Immobilien zum Verkauf in Benidorm (2024)

Ihre Suche

"); $("#searchForm").trigger('submit'); }else{ // If not has forceSubmit, then, a button appears $(".searchSidebar__top").addClass("searchSidebar__top--submitBtn"); }}function toggleForm(){ $(".searchEngine__filters").toggleClass("-active-");}Url = { get get(){ var vars= {}; if(!==0)[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m,key,value){ key=decodeURIComponent(key); if(typeof vars[key]==="undefined") {vars[key]= decodeURIComponent(value);} else {vars[key]= [].concat(vars[key], decodeURIComponent(value));} }); return vars; }};$(document).ready(function(){ /* ONLOAD */ $(window).load(function () { $('main').animate({opacity: "1"}, 500); }); /* HANDLERS */ // VIEW switcher var all_view_option = $(".fn-viewsSwitch input"), property_block_parent = $(".propertyBlock").closest('.searchEngine'); property_block_others = $(".searchEngine__results--others .propertiesList"); // property_block_parent = $(".propertyBlock").closest('.propertiesList'); all_view_option.each(function(){ var view_option = $(this); view_option.on('change',function(){ o = $(this); // Set & apply view view = o.val(); document.cookie="view="+view; property_block_parent.removeClass("listado fotos"); property_block_others.removeClass("listado fotos"); property_block_parent.addClass(view); property_block_others.addClass(view); $('.searchEngine__filters').removeClass('-active-'); $('.fotos .searchEngine__filters').css('transition', 'none'); }); }); $(".openFiltersBtn, .searchSidebar .js-filters, .back-btn").click(function(){ $(".searchEngine__filters").toggleClass("-active-"); }); /*--- searchMain__sort - order search dropdown ---*/ // ORDER BY $('#ob_select').on('change',function(){ var o = $(this); if($('#ob_hidden').length > 0){ $('#ob_hidden').val(o.val()); $('#ob_hidden').change(); } }); // orderby - Mobile /* open/close */ $('.js-sortTitle').bind('click', function(e){ if( $('.js-sortList').is(':hidden') ){ $('.js-sortList').slideDown(); e.stopPropagation(); }else{ $('.js-sortList').slideUp(); } }); /* close on click away */ $(document).on('click', function(e){ var container = $('.js-sortList'); if (! && container.has( === 0){ container.slideUp(); } }); /* update order on select */ $('.js-sortList > div').click(function(){ $("#ob_hidden").val($(this).data("order")); $("#searchForm").submit(); }); // PRICE - range $("[data-check-range]").each(function(){ $(this).data('pre',$(this).val()); }); // Check if range inputs correspond among themselves function checkRangeSelect(o){ var dataCheckRange ='check-range'); if(typeof dataCheckRange !== typeof undefined && dataCheckRange !== false){ var parent = o.closest('.fn-check-range'), o_pre_val = parseInt('pre')), o_min_val = parseInt($("[data-check-range='min']",parent).val()), o_max_val = parseInt($("[data-check-range='max']",parent).val()); if(o_min_val == 0 || o_max_val == 0){ return true; }else if(o_min_val > o_max_val){ o.val(o_pre_val); o.change(); return false; }else if(o_min_val != 0 && o_max_val != 0 && o_min_val == o_max_val){ return false; }else{ return true; } }else{ return true; } } // PRICE FROM - select $('[name="pf"]').on('change', function(){ var price_from_value = $(this).children(":selected").val(); /* Adjust search-surface-to options based on selected */ $('[name="pt"]').children("option").show(); $('[name="pt"]').children("option").each(function(){ var option = $(this); if((parseInt(option.val()) <= parseInt(price_from_value))){ option.hide(); } }); //searchSubmit($(this)); $('[name="pt"]').trigger("chosen:updated"); }); // PRICE TO - select $('[name="pt"]').on('change', function(){ var price_to_value = $(this).children(":selected").val(); /* Adjust search-surface-to options based on selected */ $('[name="pf"]').children("option").show(); $('[name="pf"]').children("option").each(function(){ var option = $(this); if((parseInt(option.val()) >= parseInt(price_to_value))){ option.hide(); } }); //searchSubmit($(this)); $('[name="pf"]').trigger("chosen:updated"); }); // SURFACE FROM - select $('[name="sf"]').on('change', function(){ var surface_from_value = $(this).children(":selected").val(); /* Adjust search-surface-to options based on selected */ $('[name="st"]').children("option").show(); $('[name="st"]').children("option").each(function(){ var option = $(this); if((parseInt(option.val()) <= parseInt(surface_from_value))){ option.hide(); } }); //searchSubmit($(this)); $('[name="st"]').trigger("chosen:updated"); }); // SURFACE TO - select $('[name="st"]').on('change', function(){ var surface_to_value = $(this).children(":selected").val(); /* Adjust search-surface-to options based on selected */ $('[name="sf"]').children("option").show(); $('[name="sf"]').children("option").each(function(){ var option = $(this); if((parseInt(option.val()) >= parseInt(surface_to_value))){ option.hide(); } }); //searchSubmit($(this)); $('[name="sf"]').trigger("chosen:updated"); }); /* APPLYING CHOSEN */ // Apply 'chosen' style to selects $(".fn-chosen").each(function(){ var o = $(this); o.chosen({ disable_search: true, no_results_text: "No results", width: '100%' }); o.on('chosen:showing_dropdown', function() {'.chosen-container').children('.chosen-drop').slideDown(200); }); o.on('chosen:hiding_dropdown', function () {'.chosen-container').children('.chosen-drop').slideUp(200); }); }); // Has to be placed BEFORE fn-refreshForm handler $('.filters__typesInput').change(function(){ var o = $(this); // All types checked if(o.hasClass('filters__typesInput--alltypes') &&':checked')){ $('.filters__typesInput').not(this).prop('checked',''); } // Other types checked if(!o.hasClass('filters__typesInput--alltypes') &&':checked')){ $('.filters__typesInput--alltypes').prop('checked',''); } }); // To check if there are group types selector if($(".fn-searchtypegroup").length){ $('.fn-searchtypegroup + .chosen-container, .fn-searchtypegroup').on('change', function(e){ typegroup = $(this); searchTypeGroupUpdate(typegroup); }); } $('.filters__checklistOption label').click(function(){ o = $(this); el_for_attr = o.attr('for'); el = $('i', o); if(el_for_attr.indexOf("all") >= 0 ){ $('.filters__checklistOption label:not([for^="all_"]) i').removeClass('fa-check-square').addClass('fa-square-o'); } el.toggleClass('fa-check-square fa-square-o'); }); // Advanced search toggle Open/Close $('.fn-toggleAdvancedSearch').click(function(e){ e.preventDefault(); $('.filters__advancedFilters').slideToggle(); }); if($('#searchForm').length > 0){ // var reset_multiple_ar = "

  • Alle
  • ", var reset_multiple_zn = "", reset_custom_zn = reset_multiple_zn, reset_select_zn = "

    ", reset_multiple_ar = "", reset_custom_ar = reset_multiple_ar, reset_select_ar = "

    ", reset_multiple_lc = "

  • Alle
  • ", reset_custom_lc = reset_multiple_lc, reset_select_lc = "

    ", reset_multiple_dg = "", reset_custom_dg = reset_multiple_dg, reset_select_dg = "", reset_select_ds = "

    ", reset_multiple_ds = "

  • Alle
  • ", reset_custom_ds = reset_multiple_ds; $('#searchForm').each(function(){ var form = $(this), filters = form, mode_selector = $('.filters__mode .filters__selector',filters), mode_input = $('[name=o]',filters), // input or select mode = $('.filters__mode',filters), grouptypes_input = $('[name=gt]',filters), // input or select grouptypes = $('.filters__grouptypes',filters), type_input = $('[name^=t]',filters),// input or select zone_selector = $('.filters__zone .filters__selector',filters), area_selector = $('.filters__area .filters__selector',filters), location_selector = $('.filters__location .filters__selector',filters), district_selector = $('.filters__district .filters__selector',filters), zone_selector_sale = $('.sitGroup .filters__zone .filters__selector',filters), area_selector_sale = $('.sitGroup .filters__area .filters__selector',filters), location_selector_sale = $('.sitGroup .filters__location .filters__selector',filters), district_selector_sale = $('.sitGroup .filters__district .filters__selector',filters), zone_selector_rental = $('.sitGroupRental .filters__zone .filters__selector',filters), area_selector_rental = $('.sitGroupRental .filters__area .filters__selector',filters), location_selector_rental = $('.sitGroupRental .filters__location .filters__selector',filters), district_selector_rental = $('.sitGroupRental .filters__district .filters__selector',filters), zn_input = $('[name=z]',filters), // input or select ar_input = $('[name=a]',filters), // input or select lc_input = $('[name=l]',filters), // input or select ds_input = $('[name=d]',filters), // input or select zn_input_sale = $('.sitGroup [name=z]',filters), // input or select ar_input_sale = $('.sitGroup [name=a]',filters), // input or select lc_input_sale = $('.sitGroup [name=l]',filters), // input or select ds_input_sale = $('.sitGroup [name=d]',filters), // input or select zn_input_rental = $('.sitGroupRental [name=z]',filters), // input or select ar_input_rental = $('.sitGroupRental [name=a]',filters), // input or select lc_input_rental = $('.sitGroupRental [name=l]',filters), // input or select ds_input_rental = $('.sitGroupRental [name=d]',filters), // input or select district = $('.filters__district',filters), // district input or select location = $('.filters__location',filters), // location input or select area = $('.filters__area',filters), // area input or select area_options = $('.filter__option',area), // all area select options zone = $('.filters__zone',filters), // zone input or select zone_options = $('.filter__option',zone), // all zone select options district_sale = $('.sitGroup .filters__district',filters), // district input or select location_sale = $('.sitGroup .filters__location',filters), // location input or select area_sale = $('.sitGroup .filters__area',filters), // area input or select area_options_sale = $('.sitGroup .filter__option',area), // all area select options zone_sale = $('.sitGroup .filters__area',filters), // area input or select zone_options_sale = $('.sitGroup .filter__option',zone), // all zone select options district_rental = $('.sitGroupRental .filters__district',filters), // district input or select location_rental = $('.sitGroupRental .filters__location',filters), // location input or select area_rental = $('.sitGroupRental .filters__area',filters), // area input or select area_options_rental = $('.sitGroupRental .filter__option',area), // all area select options zone_rental = $('.sitGroupRental .filters__zone',filters), // zone input or select zone_options_rental = $('.sitGroupRental .filter__option',zone); // all zone select options // Delete inputs when is not the found mode form.on('submit',function(){ if($('[name="o"]:checked').val() == 'sale'){ $('.sitGroupRental [name="z"], .sitGroupRental [name="a"], .sitGroupRental [name="l"], .sitGroupRental [name="g"], .sitGroupRental [name="d"], .sitGroupRental [name="q"]').remove(); }else{//rental $('.sitGroup [name="z"], .sitGroup [name="a"], .sitGroup [name="l"], .sitGroup [name="g"], .sitGroup [name="d"], .sitGroup [name="q"]').remove(); } }); // PRICES HANDLERS $('[name="o"]', form).on('change', function(){ var form_mode = $(this); $('[name="pf"] option:not(:first-child), [name="pt"] option:not(:first-child)').remove(); if(form_mode.val() == 'sale'){ $('[name="pf"]').append(html_price_sale); $('[name="pt"]').append(html_price_sale); }else{ $('[name="pf"]').append(html_price_rent); $('[name="pt"]').append(html_price_rent); } }); // MODE HANDLERS var first_time_flag = false; mode_input.on('change',function(){ if($(mode_input.selector + ':checked').val() == 'sale' || $('select' + mode_input.selector).val() == 'sale'){ isRental = 0;json_zones_object = json_zones_sale_object;json_areas_object = json_areas_sale_object;json_locations_object = json_locations_sale_object;json_districts_object = json_districts_sale_object;}else{ isRental = 1;json_zones_object = json_zones_rental_object;json_areas_object = json_areas_rental_object;json_locations_object = json_locations_rental_object;json_districts_object = json_districts_rental_object;} // Only in homepage and search if($('.sitGroup').length || $('.sitGroupRental').length){ if(isRental == 1){ zone = zone_rental; zone_selector = zone_selector_rental; zn_input = zn_input_rental; area = area_rental; area_selector = area_selector_rental; ar_input = ar_input_rental; location_selector = location_selector_rental; lc_input = lc_input_rental; district_selector = district_selector_rental; ds_input = ds_input_rental; }else{ zone = zone_sale; zone_selector = zone_selector_sale; zn_input = zn_input_sale; area = area_sale; area_selector = area_selector_sale; ar_input = ar_input_sale; location_selector = location_selector_sale; lc_input = lc_input_sale; district_selector = district_selector_sale; ds_input = ds_input_sale; } } //Search is horizontal || dynamic search && (isMobile || not on page load) if(isMobile || !first_time_flag){ first_time_flag = true; let _anyZoneSelected = false; let _anyAreaSelected = false; let _anyLocationSelected = false; let _anyDistrictSelected = false; // ZONAS html = reset_custom_zn; html = ""; $.each(json_zones_object,function(key, obj){ //if($('#searches').hasClass('searchHorz') && current_zone != obj.zone_id ) { return;} let _isZoneSelected = (current_zone == obj.zone_id) ? ' selected' : ''; if(_isZoneSelected != ''){ _anyZoneSelected = true; } html += "

  • "+obj.title+"
  • ";}); // Draw areas in the areas box zone_selector.html(html); if(_anyZoneSelected){ //$('li:not(:only-child):first-child', zone_selector).removeClass('selected'); //$('option:not(:only-child):first-child', zone_selector).prop('selected', false); }else{ $('li:first-child', zone_selector).click(); $('option:first-child', zone_selector).prop('selected', true).change(); current_zone = 1; } zone.trigger("chosen:updated"); zone_selector.trigger("chosen:updated"); // AREAShtml = reset_custom_ar;$.each(json_areas_object,function(key, obj){ $.each(json_zones_object,function(keyZone, objZone){ if(current_zone == objZone.zone_id){ let _isAreaSelected = (current_area == obj.area_id) ? ' selected' : ''; if(_isAreaSelected != ''){ _anyAreaSelected = true; } if(obj.zone_id == objZone.zone_id) { html += "

  • " + obj.title + "
  • "; } } }); });// Draw this area in the area boxarea_selector.html(html);if(_anyAreaSelected){ $('li:not(:only-child):first-child', area_selector).removeClass('selected'); $('option:not(:only-child):first-child', area_selector).prop('selected', false);}area.trigger("chosen:updated");// LOCATIONShtml = reset_custom_lc;$.each(json_locations_object,function(key, obj){$.each(json_areas_object,function(keyArea, objArea){ if(current_area == objArea.area_id){let _isLocationSelected = (current_location == obj.location_id) ? ' selected' : ''; if(_isLocationSelected != ''){ _anyLocationSelected = true; }if(obj.area_id == objArea.area_id){html += "

  • " + obj.title + "
  • ";} } });});// Draw this area locations in the locations boxlocation_selector.html(html);if(_anyLocationSelected){$('li:not(:only-child):first-child', location_selector).removeClass('selected');$('option:not(:only-child):first-child', location_selector).prop('selected', false);}location.trigger("chosen:updated");html = reset_custom_ds;// groups by area// groups by location $.each(json_districts_object,function(key, obj){ $.each(json_locations_object,function(keyLocation, objLocation){ if(current_location == objLocation.location_id){ let _isDistrictSelected = (current_district == obj.district_id) ? ' selected' : ''; if(_isDistrictSelected != ''){ _anyDistrictSelected = true; } if(obj.location_id == objLocation.location_id) { html += "

  • " + obj.title + "
  • "; } } }); }); /* let _isDistrictSelected = ''; let districtInSearch = current_district.indexOf(json_districts_object[key].district_id); if(districtInSearch != -1){ _isDistrictSelected = ' selected'; } if(_isDistrictSelected != ''){ _anyDistrictSelected = true; } if(json_districts_object[key].location_id == json_locations_object[keyLocation].location_id) { html += "

  • " + json_districts_object[key].title + "
  • "; } } }); });*/ // Draw this area locations in the locations box district_selector.html(html); if(_anyDistrictSelected){ $('li:not(:only-child):first-child', district_selector).removeClass('selected'); $('option:not(:only-child):first-child', district_selector).prop('selected', false); } district.trigger("chosen:updated"); } }); district_selector_container = $('ul',district_selector); // Handler to close districts selector when clicked outside $('body').click(function(e){ var $tgt = $(; if (!$tgt.closest(".customSelect__drop").length){ if(':visible')){ district_selector.removeClass('customSelect--open'); } } }); // Open / Close custom multi-option districts selector $('>a',district_selector).on('click',function(e){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); district_selector.toggleClass('customSelect--open'); }); // Multiple selection district handler district.on('click', '.filter__option, .filters__checklistOption',function(){ ds_input_value = ds_input.val(); district_option_id = $(this).data('district'); if(district_option_id != ''){ if(ds_input_value == ''){ $('.filter__option',district_selector_container).removeClass('selected'); } $(this).toggleClass('selected'); // If district is currently selected (In the input value), remove in it, else add it. ds_input_value = ',' + ds_input_value; if(ds_input_value.indexOf(',' + district_option_id) >= 0){ new_ds_input_value = ds_input_value + ','; new_ds_input_value = new_ds_input_value.replace(district_option_id + ',',''); new_ds_input_value_trim_comma = new_ds_input_value.substring(0,new_ds_input_value.lastIndexOf(",")); new_ds_input_value_trim_comma = new_ds_input_value_trim_comma.substr(1); ds_input.val(new_ds_input_value_trim_comma); }else{ //if(ds_input_value != ''){ds_input_value = ds_input_value + ',';} new_ds_input_value = district_option_id + ds_input_value; // Remove last comma //new_ds_input_value_trim_comma = new_ds_input_value.substring(0,new_ds_input_value.lastIndexOf(",")); ds_input.val(new_ds_input_value); }}else{ if(ds_input_value == '' && $(this).hasClass('selected')){ $('.filter__option',district_selector_container).removeClass('selected'); }else{ $('.filter__option',district_selector_container).addClass('selected'); } ds_input.val(''); } searchSubmit('forceSubmit', $(this)); }); // Common location selector handler location_selector.on('change',function(){ //Use districts from sale or rental if($(':checked', mode_input).val() == 'sale' || mode_input.val() == 'sale'){ json_districts_object = json_districts_sale_object; }else{//rental json_districts_object = json_districts_rental_object; } district_selector_container.html(reset_multiple_ds); location_option_id = $(this).val(); //lc_input.val(location_option_id); ds_input.val(''); html = reset_multiple_ds; $.each(json_districts_object,function(key, obj){ if(obj.location_id == location_option_id){ html += "

  • "+obj.title+"
  • "; } }); // Draw this area locations in the locations box district_selector_container.html(html); district_selector_container.trigger("chosen:updated"); }); // Common area selector handler area_selector.on('change',function(){ //Use locations from sale or rental if($(':checked', mode_input).val() == 'sale' || mode_input.val() == 'sale'){ json_locations_object = json_locations_sale_object; json_districts_object = json_districts_sale_object; }else{//rental json_locations_object = json_locations_rental_object; json_districts_object = json_districts_rental_object; } location_selector.html(reset_multiple_lc); district_selector_container.html(reset_select_ds); area_option_id = $(this).val(); lc_input.val(''); ds_input.val(''); if(false){ //TODO: If there are some group, do this /* counter = 0; $.each(json_groups_object,function(key){ loc_id = json_groups_object[key].location_id; $.each(json_locations_object,function(key2){ var totalCount = json_locations_object[key2].properties.rental + json_locations_object[key2]; //count total properties per location, so that we can leave out locations that have no property if(totalCount !== 0){ if(loc_id == key2) { if(json_locations_object[key2].area_id == area_str) { var totalGroupsCount = json_groups_object[key] + json_groups_object[key].properties.rental; if(totalGroupsCount > 0){ counter++; html += '

  • '+json_groups_object[key].title+'
  • '; } } } } }); }); */ }else{ html = reset_select_lc; $.each(json_locations_object,function(key, obj){ if(obj.area_id == area_option_id){ districts_ids= ""; $.each(json_districts_object,function(key2, objDistricts){ if(key == objDistricts.location_id) { districts_ids += key2 + ','; } }); html += "

    "; } }); // Draw this area locations in the locations box location_selector.html(html).trigger("chosen:updated"); } district_selector.trigger("chosen:updated"); }); // Common zone selector handler zone_selector.on('change',function(){ //Use areas from sale or rental if($(':checked', mode_input).val() == 'sale' || mode_input.val() == 'sale'){ json_areas_object = json_areas_sale_object; json_locations_object = json_locations_sale_object; json_districts_object = json_districts_sale_object; }else{//rental json_areas_object = json_areas_rental_object; json_locations_object = json_locations_rental_object; json_districts_object = json_districts_rental_object; }area_selector.html(reset_multiple_ar);location_selector.html(reset_select_lc); // Poner igual que ds¿?¿?¿?district_selector_container.html(reset_select_ds);zone_option_id = $(this).val();ar_input.val('');lc_input.val('');ds_input.val('');reset_select_dg = "

    ";html = reset_select_ar; $.each(json_areas_object,function(key, obj){ if(obj.zone_id == zone_option_id){ locations_ids= ""; $.each(json_locations_object,function(key2, objLocations){ if(key == objLocations.area_id) { locations_ids += key2 + ','; } }); html += "

    "; } });// Draw this area locations in the locations boxarea_selector.html(html).trigger("chosen:updated");location_selector.trigger("chosen:updated");district_selector.trigger("chosen:updated");}); }); } if($('.fn-refreshForm').length > 0){// Submit form on change - If is set as true $('.fn-refreshForm').on('change', function(){ // For bedrooms and bathrooms, uncheck all options and allow to native check if($(this).parents('.filters__bedroomsOption').length || $(this).parents('.filters__bathroomOption').length){ $('[name="'+ $(this).attr('name') +'"]').not(this).prop('checked', false); } if(!checkRangeSelect($(this))) return false; mobile_force = ""; if($('.searchEngine').hasClass('fotos') && !$(this).is("#ob_hidden")){ $(this).closest('form').append(' '); } searchSubmit(mobile_force, $(this)); });} // Always submit form on change $('.fn-refreshFormMob').on('change', function(){ // Check if selected value is correct acording another select. if not, stop change event. if(!checkRangeSelect($(this))) return false; searchSubmit('forceSubmit', $(this)); }); // Always submit form on click $('.fn-submitSearchSidebar').on('click', function(){ searchSubmit('forceSubmit', $(this)); }); // Scroll to selected element if exists $('.filter--multiple .select-box').each(function(){ var self = $(this); var first_selected_option = $('.filter__option.selected', self).first(); if(first_selected_option.length > 0){ self.scrollTop(self.scrollTop() + first_selected_option.position().top); } }); /*--- Fotos view search sidebar ---*/ //Remove '&ref=filter' from urlfunction removeRefFilter(){var url = $(location).attr('href').replace('&ref=filter', '');window.history.replaceState({page: '1'}, document.title, url);}//close sidebar if click outside of it$(document).on('click',function(o) {if($('.searchEngine__filters').hasClass('-active-') && !$('fn-searchFilters') && !$(".searchEngine__filters.-active-").length){$('.searchEngine__filters').removeClass('-active-');removeRefFilter();}});//open/close sidebar$('.fn-searchFilters').on('click', function(){$('.fotos .searchEngine__filters').css('transition', '0.2s all');$('.searchEngine__filters').toggleClass('-active-');if(!$('.searchEngine__filters').hasClass('-active-')){removeRefFilter();}}); });

    Immobilien zum Verkauf in Benidorm (2024)


    Kann man als Deutscher Immobilien in Spanien kaufen? ›

    Ja, in Spanien unterliegen ausländische Investitionen in Immobilien nur in Ausnahmefällen Beschränkungen. Wer jedoch nicht die spanische Staatsangehörigkeit besitzt und in Spanien eine Immobilie erwerben möchte, muss eine N.I.E. (Número de Identificación de Extranjeros) beantragen.

    Werden Immobilien in Spanien teurer? ›

    Die Preise für Neubauimmobilien in Spanien sind im Jahr 2023 um 3,5 % gestiegen, was auf die stets höhere Nachfrage zurückzuführen ist. Dies führte zu einer allgemeinen Verbesserung der Preisstabilität, obwohl der Durchschnittspreis mit 2.161 €/m² einen historischen Höchststand für Neubaupreise erreichte.

    Für was ist Benidorm bekannt? ›

    Benidorm ist eine lebhafte Stadt an Spaniens paradiesischer Urlaubsküste Costa Blanca. Bei Urlaubern ist der Ort besonders wegen seiner langen, goldenen Strände beliebt.

    Wie hoch sind die Steuern beim Hauskauf in Spanien? ›

    Die Höhe der Steuer hängt vom Wert der Immobilie und der Region in Spanien ab. Auf den Balearen kann sie zum Beispiel zwischen 8 und 11 Prozent des Verkehrswertes betragen. Erwerben Sie eine neue Immobilie, fällt dagegen keine spanische Grunderwerbsteuer an.

    Werden die Immobilienpreise in Spanien sinken? ›

    Nach einer Analyse erwartet die Agentur zudem für das kommende Jahr, dass Spanien neben Deutschland der europäische Markt sein wird, auf dem die Immobilienpreise nominal am stärksten sinken werden, auch wenn der geschätzte Rückgang im Jahr 2024 auf 1 % begrenzt sein wird, während für 2025 ein leichter Aufschwung von 1, ...

    Wie viele Deutsche leben in Benidorm? ›

    Elche kommt auf 25.468 und 244 Deutsche und Benidorm auf 20.169 bei 194 Deutschen. Keineswegs alle europäischen Ausländer an der Costa Blanca haben sich in den Gemeinden gemeldet, in denen sie wohnen.

    Warum gibt es in Benidorm so viele Hochhäuser? ›

    Manhattan des Mittelmeers

    Sie verbrauche wenig Fläche - das sei besonders wichtig: "Benidorm ist ein Modell für eine nachhaltige Stadt. So gibt es wenige Emissionen, die Leute laufen zum Strand, der Verbrauch von Landfläche ist gering. Und ein Hochhaus ist energetisch gesehen viel effizienter als einzelne Häuser."

    Wie hoch ist das höchste Haus in Benidorm? ›

    Das Intempo ist ein 47-stöckiges sowie 202,5 Meter hohes Hochhaus für Wohnzwecke in Benidorm in Spanien.

    Was muss man beachten wenn man ein Haus in Spanien kauft? ›

    Was Sie beim Immobilienkauf in Spanienbeachten müssen.
    • Schritt 1: Legen Sie den finanziellen Rahmen fest.
    • Schritt 2: Passende Immobilie suchen.
    • Schritt 3: Reservierung des Hauses Ihrer Wahl.
    • Schritt 4: Bank Konto öffnen und Steueridentifikationsnummer anfragen.
    • Schritt 5: Notartermin & Kaufvertrag abschließen.
    Apr 10, 2024

    Welche Steuern fallen beim Immobilienverkauf in Spanien für nicht Residenten an? ›

    Ist der Verkäufer ein Nicht-Resident, muss der Käufer 3 % des Kaufpreises einbehalten. Wenn ein Nicht-Resident eine in Spanien gelegene Immobilie verkauft, ist der Käufer verpflichtet, 3% des Verkaufspreises als Zahlung für die Steuererklärung des Nicht-Residenten einzubehalten.

    Ist ein Haus in Spanien eine sichere Investition? ›

    Die Bank von Spanien prognostiziert eine Rendite von 10 % für den spanischen Immobilienmarkt im Jahr 2023. Für den Laien gilt der Kauf von Immobilien in Spanien als sichere Investition.

    Wie viel kostet ein Haus in Spanien im Durchschnitt? ›

    Wie hoch sind die Preise für Wohnungen und Häuser in Spanien? Im Schnitt muss für eine Wohnung oder ein Haus etwas mehr als 1.900 Euro pro Quadratmeter Wohnfläche gezahlt werden. Die günstigste Landesregion ist Aragon, gefolgt von Estremadura und Navarre. Hier kostet ein kleines Haus im Durchschnitt circa 135.000 Euro.

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    Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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    Author information

    Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

    Birthday: 1999-11-16

    Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

    Phone: +59115435987187

    Job: Education Supervisor

    Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

    Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.