Immobilien zum Miete in Santa Coloma, Andorra la Vella (2024)

Ihre Suche

"); $("#searchForm").trigger('submit'); }else{ // If not has forceSubmit, then, a button appears $(".searchSidebar__top").addClass("searchSidebar__top--submitBtn"); }}function toggleForm(){ $(".searchEngine__filters").toggleClass("-active-");}Url = { get get(){ var vars= {}; if(!==0)[?&]+([^=&]+)=([^&]*)/gi, function(m,key,value){ key=decodeURIComponent(key); if(typeof vars[key]==="undefined") {vars[key]= decodeURIComponent(value);} else {vars[key]= [].concat(vars[key], decodeURIComponent(value));} }); return vars; }};$(document).ready(function(){ /* ONLOAD */ $(window).load(function () { $('main').animate({opacity: "1"}, 500); }); /* HANDLERS */ // VIEW switcher var all_view_option = $(".fn-viewsSwitch input"), property_block_parent = $(".propertyBlock").closest('.searchEngine'); property_block_others = $(".searchEngine__results--others .propertiesList"); // property_block_parent = $(".propertyBlock").closest('.propertiesList'); all_view_option.each(function(){ var view_option = $(this); view_option.on('change',function(){ o = $(this); // Set & apply view view = o.val(); document.cookie="view="+view; property_block_parent.removeClass("listado fotos"); property_block_others.removeClass("listado fotos"); property_block_parent.addClass(view); property_block_others.addClass(view); $('.searchEngine__filters').removeClass('-active-'); $('.fotos .searchEngine__filters').css('transition', 'none'); }); }); $(".openFiltersBtn, .searchSidebar .js-filters, .back-btn").click(function(){ $(".searchEngine__filters").toggleClass("-active-"); }); /*--- searchMain__sort - order search dropdown ---*/ // ORDER BY $('#ob_select').on('change',function(){ var o = $(this); if($('#ob_hidden').length > 0){ $('#ob_hidden').val(o.val()); $('#ob_hidden').change(); } }); // orderby - Mobile /* open/close */ $('.js-sortTitle').bind('click', function(e){ if( $('.js-sortList').is(':hidden') ){ $('.js-sortList').slideDown(); e.stopPropagation(); }else{ $('.js-sortList').slideUp(); } }); /* close on click away */ $(document).on('click', function(e){ var container = $('.js-sortList'); if (! 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  • Alle
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    ", reset_multiple_lc = "

  • Alle
  • ", reset_custom_lc = reset_multiple_lc, reset_select_lc = "

    ", reset_multiple_dg = "", reset_custom_dg = reset_multiple_dg, reset_select_dg = "", reset_select_ds = "

    ", reset_multiple_ds = "

  • Alle
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zone_selector = zone_selector_rental; zn_input = zn_input_rental; area = area_rental; area_selector = area_selector_rental; ar_input = ar_input_rental; location_selector = location_selector_rental; lc_input = lc_input_rental; district_selector = district_selector_rental; ds_input = ds_input_rental; }else{ zone = zone_sale; zone_selector = zone_selector_sale; zn_input = zn_input_sale; area = area_sale; area_selector = area_selector_sale; ar_input = ar_input_sale; location_selector = location_selector_sale; lc_input = lc_input_sale; district_selector = district_selector_sale; ds_input = ds_input_sale; } } //Search is horizontal || dynamic search && (isMobile || not on page load) if(isMobile || !first_time_flag){ first_time_flag = true; let _anyZoneSelected = false; let _anyAreaSelected = false; let _anyLocationSelected = false; let _anyDistrictSelected = false; // ZONAS html = reset_custom_zn; html = ""; $.each(json_zones_object,function(key, obj){ //if($('#searches').hasClass('searchHorz') && current_zone != obj.zone_id ) { return;} let _isZoneSelected = (current_zone == obj.zone_id) ? ' selected' : ''; if(_isZoneSelected != ''){ _anyZoneSelected = true; } html += "

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  • " + obj.title + "
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  • " + obj.title + "
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  • " + obj.title + "
  • "; } } }); }); /* let _isDistrictSelected = ''; let districtInSearch = current_district.indexOf(json_districts_object[key].district_id); if(districtInSearch != -1){ _isDistrictSelected = ' selected'; } if(_isDistrictSelected != ''){ _anyDistrictSelected = true; } if(json_districts_object[key].location_id == json_locations_object[keyLocation].location_id) { html += "

  • " + json_districts_object[key].title + "
  • "; } } }); });*/ // Draw this area locations in the locations box district_selector.html(html); if(_anyDistrictSelected){ $('li:not(:only-child):first-child', district_selector).removeClass('selected'); $('option:not(:only-child):first-child', district_selector).prop('selected', false); } district.trigger("chosen:updated"); } }); district_selector_container = $('ul',district_selector); // Handler to close districts selector when clicked outside $('body').click(function(e){ var $tgt = $(; if (!$tgt.closest(".customSelect__drop").length){ if(':visible')){ district_selector.removeClass('customSelect--open'); } } }); // Open / Close custom multi-option districts selector $('>a',district_selector).on('click',function(e){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); district_selector.toggleClass('customSelect--open'); }); // Multiple selection district handler district.on('click', '.filter__option, .filters__checklistOption',function(){ ds_input_value = ds_input.val(); district_option_id = $(this).data('district'); if(district_option_id != ''){ if(ds_input_value == ''){ $('.filter__option',district_selector_container).removeClass('selected'); } $(this).toggleClass('selected'); // If district is currently selected (In the input value), remove in it, else add it. ds_input_value = ',' + ds_input_value; if(ds_input_value.indexOf(',' + district_option_id) >= 0){ new_ds_input_value = ds_input_value + ','; new_ds_input_value = new_ds_input_value.replace(district_option_id + ',',''); new_ds_input_value_trim_comma = new_ds_input_value.substring(0,new_ds_input_value.lastIndexOf(",")); new_ds_input_value_trim_comma = new_ds_input_value_trim_comma.substr(1); ds_input.val(new_ds_input_value_trim_comma); }else{ //if(ds_input_value != ''){ds_input_value = ds_input_value + ',';} new_ds_input_value = district_option_id + ds_input_value; // Remove last comma //new_ds_input_value_trim_comma = new_ds_input_value.substring(0,new_ds_input_value.lastIndexOf(",")); ds_input.val(new_ds_input_value); }}else{ if(ds_input_value == '' && $(this).hasClass('selected')){ $('.filter__option',district_selector_container).removeClass('selected'); }else{ $('.filter__option',district_selector_container).addClass('selected'); } ds_input.val(''); } searchSubmit('forceSubmit', $(this)); }); // Common location selector handler location_selector.on('change',function(){ //Use districts from sale or rental if($(':checked', mode_input).val() == 'sale' || mode_input.val() == 'sale'){ json_districts_object = json_districts_sale_object; }else{//rental json_districts_object = json_districts_rental_object; } district_selector_container.html(reset_multiple_ds); location_option_id = $(this).val(); //lc_input.val(location_option_id); ds_input.val(''); html = reset_multiple_ds; $.each(json_districts_object,function(key, obj){ if(obj.location_id == location_option_id){ html += "

  • "+obj.title+"
  • "; } }); // Draw this area locations in the locations box district_selector_container.html(html); district_selector_container.trigger("chosen:updated"); }); // Common area selector handler area_selector.on('change',function(){ //Use locations from sale or rental if($(':checked', mode_input).val() == 'sale' || mode_input.val() == 'sale'){ json_locations_object = json_locations_sale_object; json_districts_object = json_districts_sale_object; }else{//rental json_locations_object = json_locations_rental_object; json_districts_object = json_districts_rental_object; } location_selector.html(reset_multiple_lc); district_selector_container.html(reset_select_ds); area_option_id = $(this).val(); lc_input.val(''); ds_input.val(''); if(false){ //TODO: If there are some group, do this /* counter = 0; $.each(json_groups_object,function(key){ loc_id = json_groups_object[key].location_id; $.each(json_locations_object,function(key2){ var totalCount = json_locations_object[key2].properties.rental + json_locations_object[key2]; //count total properties per location, so that we can leave out locations that have no property if(totalCount !== 0){ if(loc_id == key2) { if(json_locations_object[key2].area_id == area_str) { var totalGroupsCount = json_groups_object[key] + json_groups_object[key].properties.rental; if(totalGroupsCount > 0){ counter++; html += '

  • '+json_groups_object[key].title+'
  • '; } } } } }); }); */ }else{ html = reset_select_lc; $.each(json_locations_object,function(key, obj){ if(obj.area_id == area_option_id){ districts_ids= ""; $.each(json_districts_object,function(key2, objDistricts){ if(key == objDistricts.location_id) { districts_ids += key2 + ','; } }); html += "

    "; } }); // Draw this area locations in the locations box location_selector.html(html).trigger("chosen:updated"); } district_selector.trigger("chosen:updated"); }); // Common zone selector handler zone_selector.on('change',function(){ //Use areas from sale or rental if($(':checked', mode_input).val() == 'sale' || mode_input.val() == 'sale'){ json_areas_object = json_areas_sale_object; json_locations_object = json_locations_sale_object; json_districts_object = json_districts_sale_object; }else{//rental json_areas_object = json_areas_rental_object; json_locations_object = json_locations_rental_object; json_districts_object = json_districts_rental_object; }area_selector.html(reset_multiple_ar);location_selector.html(reset_select_lc); // Poner igual que ds¿?¿?¿?district_selector_container.html(reset_select_ds);zone_option_id = $(this).val();ar_input.val('');lc_input.val('');ds_input.val('');reset_select_dg = "

    ";html = reset_select_ar; $.each(json_areas_object,function(key, obj){ if(obj.zone_id == zone_option_id){ locations_ids= ""; $.each(json_locations_object,function(key2, objLocations){ if(key == objLocations.area_id) { locations_ids += key2 + ','; } }); html += "

    "; } });// Draw this area locations in the locations boxarea_selector.html(html).trigger("chosen:updated");location_selector.trigger("chosen:updated");district_selector.trigger("chosen:updated");}); }); } if($('.fn-refreshForm').length > 0){// Submit form on change - If is set as true $('.fn-refreshForm').on('change', function(){ // For bedrooms and bathrooms, uncheck all options and allow to native check if($(this).parents('.filters__bedroomsOption').length || $(this).parents('.filters__bathroomOption').length){ $('[name="'+ $(this).attr('name') +'"]').not(this).prop('checked', false); } if(!checkRangeSelect($(this))) return false; mobile_force = ""; if($('.searchEngine').hasClass('fotos') && !$(this).is("#ob_hidden")){ $(this).closest('form').append(' '); } searchSubmit(mobile_force, $(this)); });} // Always submit form on change $('.fn-refreshFormMob').on('change', function(){ // Check if selected value is correct acording another select. if not, stop change event. if(!checkRangeSelect($(this))) return false; searchSubmit('forceSubmit', $(this)); }); // Always submit form on click $('.fn-submitSearchSidebar').on('click', function(){ searchSubmit('forceSubmit', $(this)); }); // Scroll to selected element if exists $('.filter--multiple .select-box').each(function(){ var self = $(this); var first_selected_option = $('.filter__option.selected', self).first(); if(first_selected_option.length > 0){ self.scrollTop(self.scrollTop() + first_selected_option.position().top); } }); /*--- Fotos view search sidebar ---*/ //Remove '&ref=filter' from urlfunction removeRefFilter(){var url = $(location).attr('href').replace('&ref=filter', '');window.history.replaceState({page: '1'}, document.title, url);}//close sidebar if click outside of it$(document).on('click',function(o) {if($('.searchEngine__filters').hasClass('-active-') && !$('fn-searchFilters') && !$(".searchEngine__filters.-active-").length){$('.searchEngine__filters').removeClass('-active-');removeRefFilter();}});//open/close sidebar$('.fn-searchFilters').on('click', function(){$('.fotos .searchEngine__filters').css('transition', '0.2s all');$('.searchEngine__filters').toggleClass('-active-');if(!$('.searchEngine__filters').hasClass('-active-')){removeRefFilter();}}); });

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    Article information

    Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

    Last Updated:

    Views: 6379

    Rating: 4.1 / 5 (62 voted)

    Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

    Birthday: 1993-03-26

    Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

    Phone: +5938540192553

    Job: Administration Developer

    Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

    Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.