What's after Elden Ring? (2024)

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  1. 2 days ago



    It's pretty good but Bloodborne was better anyway and we got over it.

    • 2 days ago



      This. Bloodborne is just better.

    • 2 days ago



      This. Bloodborne is just better.

      Bloodborne open world is clearly the way to go to top Elden Ring.
      Lies of P already gave us a taste of what another part of the Bloodborne world could be like. Now expand that to all off not-Europe. Heck, throw in Asia and the Maghreb too.
      Africa can be the DLC.

  2. 2 days ago



    probably some more over the top anime style slop revolving around a big tree

  3. 2 days ago



    What's after Elden Ring? (6)

    He talked about wanting to make a more abstract game. So not your normal fantasy, or dark setting.
    Personally, I have very, very low hopes for anything they make. And won't buy anything they make, if it seems they are continuing their current trend.
    Consort Radahn's second phase was the final nail in the coffin for me. It represents everything wrong with modern FROM, and I don't think they are going to go back to what made their games good.

    Here's hoping I'm wrong.

  4. 2 days ago



    Bloodborne 2 and Dark Souls 4 seem like obvious cash cows. Probably another Armored Core in between. Heck maybe even a King's Field.

  5. 2 days ago



    I think if he leans into the atmosphere more like Bloodborne, or the gameplay like Sekiro, he'll be fine

  6. 2 days ago



    What's after Elden Ring? (7)

    Shorter, more filtered and concise with more bizarre mechanics and enemies like world tendency in Demon’s Souls. Less weapons but more polish and larger movesets.
    Remove the Open World, more legacy style dungeons. Lies of P styled NPC quests that don’t force me to keep a wiki page open for fear of missing an important quest line and spoiling myself by exposure.
    More interesting status effects, and less repeated enemies. 8 tree spirits, 7 cathedral knights, 20 death birds, it was too much.

    • 2 days ago



      What's after Elden Ring? (8)

      They reused too many assets and animations from DS3, and DS3 reused too many from Bloodborne.
      Sekiro was a breath of fresh air, something different next time

      Nothing more pathetic than a loser complaining about a game he’s never even played

      What's after Elden Ring? (9)

      >people still having hope for mr one trick pony after the last half of the decade of disappointments
      And I thought ffxiv trannies and tendies were the most delusional cultists.

    • 2 days ago



      >more bizarre mechanics
      hell fricking yea and go back to some of the older NG+ ways. NG+ has been too fricking easy for way too long, i'd always much rather start up a new character.

      bring grave lording back, honestly. and expand the capabilities. by leveling the covenant, different enemies should be spawned in the enemies world, you could even make unique enemies to really boost the appeal.

  7. 2 days ago



    Probably a break. Technically AC6 was next after Elden Ring, and that also did gangbusters for Fromsoft. So yeah, a break sounds like something we all need from them for a while.

    • 2 days ago



      what break? it's a video game company moron

      • 2 days ago



        What's after Elden Ring? (10)

        A break from large, almost decade long projects, moron. Something smaller in scope and cheaper in budget.

        • 2 days ago



          why would they do that moron? they'll do something even better with ue 5

  8. 2 days ago



    Sekiro 2 (hopefully)

    • 2 days ago



      I can't play souls games anymore because of how great sekiro is.
      The "rollslop, wait for the enemy's combo, melee hit once, run away" sh*t is so tedious and boring.
      Once you realize how engaging, and fun, and rewarding combat can be you can never go back to the souls bs.
      When I play sekiro and I beat a boss, I find myself saying, "yes, i did it!"
      But when I play a souls game and I beat a boss, I find myself saying, "thank God I don't have to do that anymore."
      Sekiro is ironically more difficult, but more fair and more fulfilling.

      • 2 days ago



        >Sekiro is ironically more difficult, but more fair and more fulfilling.
        Sekiro is much harder in the first half of the game, because you don't have the experience with the combat yet. But the second half, as well as any additional play-throughs, are piss easy.

        Genichiro took me 2 hours to beat. I thought to myself, that if the second boss in the game was this hard, I would never ever be able to beat it.
        Then I got to Isshin, and Demon of hatred, two bosses that Ganker told me was some of the harder FROM bosses areound, and Neither of them took me longer than 30 minutes top.

        Meanwhile, Malenia took me 13 fricking hours.
        Even older bosses, like Manus, or Darklurker was way harder than Isshin or DoH.
        Modern "rollslop" bosses are in a completely different league.

        I am completely convinced that the people that say Sekiro is harder, only beat soulsborne with cheese and over the top OP builds.

        • 2 days ago



          >I am completely convinced that the people that say Sekiro is harder, only beat soulsborne with cheese and over the top OP builds.
          There's your problem, you are moronic. You were playing and RPG like an action game. Wasted 13 hours banging your head against a wall when you could have just changed your tactics or build. You can make the easiest game in the world into the hardest is you self impose restrictions on yourself.

          • 2 days ago



            >change your build for one fight
            You are no longer role playing by definition.

            • 2 days ago



              Do you really use the first solution you come to when faced with a problem? then just keep doing it until it works?

              • 2 days ago


                In a ROLE PLAYING game, I use the solutions that make sense to my role.
                If I am playing as a barbarian, it makes zero sense to suddenly respec and start throwing spells around.

              • 2 days ago


                >"Hello, dungeon master. This fight is a little hard on my thief can I can entirely respec to a paladin?"
                Literally not role playing.

              • 2 days ago


                elden ring let's you do that, so it's not a role playing game now?

              • 2 days ago


                If you keep respeccing your character than no, you aren't role playing.

              • 2 days ago


                you're not.. picking another role... to play?

              • 2 days ago


                not if you're role-playing a shape-shifter or FF mime

              • 2 days ago


                What's after Elden Ring? (11)

                >If you keep respeccing your character than no, you aren't role playing.

              • 2 days ago


                No. Not really. It's more like an action adventure game with some role playing aspects.

          • 2 days ago



            No. I played an RPG game, like a rpg game. Meaning, I picked the role that I wanted to play, and stuck with it. The role I was playing, was the same that I use in every game, on my first playthrough, and that is a pure strength, big sword wielding warrior.
            That's what I did in DeS, DS 1-3 BB and ER, as well as any other role playing game, be it turn based, action oriented or anything in between.

            • 2 days ago



              same bro, I picked a bare fists role, so I never equipped a weapon. it was so hard doing 10 damage a hit but I didn't use any puss* over powered sh*t

          • 2 days ago



            >change your build
            You’re an absolute sh*tter who never played a game without a guide and only cares that he “beat” the game as quickly as possible.

        • 2 days ago



          Sekiro bosses are subjective to each person. Same thing happened to me. I beat Lady Butterfly and the drunkard first time yet everyone talks about how hard they were.
          Sekiro bosses have a steep learning curve but nothing is ever cheap, and your victories are always earned.
          Souls bosses have AOE, attacks that are unavoidable, or attacks that happen faster than you can react. The combat in Sekiro also turns defensive play into offensive play because of deflecting, but also because there's no stamina bar so you're not punished for blocking or rolling.
          It's crazy. Even if you avoid an attack how the devs intended, you're punished by losing stamina. Enemies with long combos just means you have less stamina to punish them at the end with.

            • 2 days ago



              >if you learn a game its easy
              no fricking way
              for real?

              • 2 days ago


                This isn't learning the game, it breaks itself so you don't have to learn it.

            • 2 days ago



              she's weirdly one of the few bosses where you can dodge and spam r1. very little deflecting or blocking needed.

              like when you hear it turn from cling cling cling to clang you dodge instead of your usual deflect.

          • 2 days ago



            > Juzou the drunkard

            I've played it through 3 times. Every time i take the house through the left. then i kill all the adds, then i de aggro him. then i activate the summon dude. then i oil+flamevent and get the free 5 or 6 hits in, and repeat til i run out of spirit emblems.


          • 2 days ago



            You can get to lady butterfly before you even fight the chained red eye. For lots of people its probably their first boss (was for me). Of course, if you wait and fight her after getting to genichiro, yeah she’s a lot easier.

        • 2 days ago



          Does Sekiro have moronic delays on 75% of enemy attacks like in Elden Ring where Horah Louz literally freezes during a chage move or Margit levitating?

          • 2 days ago



            No. It's a lot better about that, and you can also just block if you're unsure of the timing for a deflect and it's not perilous.

            • 2 days ago



              there's some delayed attacks, but you're not locked into a roll animation, losing stamina, and vulnerable
              you can deflect in a split second, so if your timing is good you can deal with anything

              What's after Elden Ring? (13)

              It does have some bullsh*t. But not anywhere near ER.
              And I was only talking about difficulty. Sekiro is way easier once you get a hang of the combat. But at it's core, it is also better, at least for boss encounters. It suffered from many other things though, which makes it a worse game, for me.

              That sounds good. The delayed attack bullsh*t was what I hated most about ER, it felt deliberately deceptive in a 'frick you, player' kind of way.
              Draconic Tree Sentinel is the best ER boss.

              • 2 days ago


                It kinda gets annoying when EVERY enemy does that bullsh*t delay at different intervals. I get that they want you to not rollspam, but for fricks sake it's as annoying as every single dungeon having an enemy waiting around a corner. Does every overworld mob need to do delays too? I get having bosses have some, but it's just annoying at that point.

              • 2 days ago


                The biggest improvement sekiro has over ER besides faster animations is that you get warned when an unblockable move is happening. Its still a 50/50 where you have to pay attention to the animations to know whether to jump, dodge, or thrustcounter to get the punish.
                In er, it's a complete crapshoot whether a move is rollable or jumpable, whether a chain is going to be long enough that blocking is illadvised. You just trial and error through a brick wall until you gitgud and gitlucky.

          • 2 days ago



            What's after Elden Ring? (14)

            It does have some bullsh*t. But not anywhere near ER.
            And I was only talking about difficulty. Sekiro is way easier once you get a hang of the combat. But at it's core, it is also better, at least for boss encounters. It suffered from many other things though, which makes it a worse game, for me.

          • 2 days ago



            there's some delayed attacks, but you're not locked into a roll animation, losing stamina, and vulnerable
            you can deflect in a split second, so if your timing is good you can deal with anything

        • 2 days ago



          , Malenia took me 13 fricking hours.
          I beat her in less than 45 minutes, what the hell were you doing?

          • 2 days ago



            must be dex sissies, malenia was so fricking easy with a moderately heavy weapon. i smacked her around with my clay like there was no tomorrow

            • 2 days ago



              Yeah i was using a faith/strength build and was dunking on her with Crucible incants and my hammer
              Waterfowl dance wasnt even that hard to dodge, just back up when she telegraphs it and spam roll like every other fight

              • 2 days ago


                >Yeah i was playing easy mode and had reach to already space when she begins telegraph.
                >Spam roll

              • 2 days ago


                What's after Elden Ring? (15)

                >and had reach to already space when she begins telegraph.
                You need more English classes, rajesh

          • 2 days ago



            Ok but HOW did you beat her?

            • 2 days ago



              Yeah i was using a faith/strength build and was dunking on her with Crucible incants and my hammer
              Waterfowl dance wasnt even that hard to dodge, just back up when she telegraphs it and spam roll like every other fight

        • 2 days ago



          I am 100% sure you took on some moronic self-imposed play style and were too fricking idiotic to realize maybe you should adjust your approach instead of bruteforcing Malenia. Meanwhile, Sekiro, with its limited possibilities, protected you from your own stupidity.

          • 2 days ago



            >You should adjust your build
            So you're saying gitting gud is no longer the point and now you have to do excel autism builds because thats what the bosses were designed around?

          • 2 days ago



            >self-imposed play style
            Well, yeah. Of course. When I play games, any game, I want to play them in the way that I want. I don't want to follow a meta, or look up guides etc. I just want to play the way I want to.
            For Elden Ring, and all the other soulsborne games, that means, I like to play as a warrior/barbarian type, using only big swords and light armour.
            That's the kind of class/role that I always gravitate towards. A role playing game, or any other game where build diveristy is a big part of the game, you should be able to play as your favourite fantasy. That is literally the point of it.

            >noo you have to follow a guide and respec for every boss to completely remove any challenge

        • 2 days ago



          >13 fricking hours
          holy sh*t, you suck

          • 2 days ago



            Yes, and?

        • 2 days ago



          >harder than DoH
          what the frick are you smoking
          this is not even considering the possibility of OP builds, just your average player in medium armor with a random quality weapon

          And thats without kindling to 20 flasks

          • 2 days ago



            It's my personal opinion. For me, most of Manus's attacks were hard to read, and his spells were borderline impossible for me to read.
            For me, visual clarity is the number one reason for if I find a boss to be hard or not.
            I probably spend 3 hours or so beating him. But I was so traumatized by it, that despite beating the game well over 10 times, I have only beaten Manus twice. Once, in my first play though of the dlc. And the second time, 12 years after my first time, and that was with a black knight halberd, basically just deleting him in seconds.

            Demon of hatred had all easily readable attacks. I died to him twice, trying to parry. Realized it was easier to just dodge or avoid attacks by running, and then beat him in 2 tries after that.

    • 2 days ago



      You think they won't put the spectacle, flashbangs, spastic boss fights if they make Sekiro 2?
      The game will be sh*t through and through, any semblance of fairness will be long gone. After the moronic raging success of ER, this is the future if boss fights for them. It's over.

      • 2 days ago




  9. 2 days ago



    So like is there an actual Elden Ring thread somewhere? I decided to play SMT V first and you guys are already sperging out or something

  10. 2 days ago



    What's after Elden Ring? (16)

    >people still having hope for mr one trick pony after the last half of the decade of disappointments
    And I thought ffxiv trannies and tendies were the most delusional cultists.

    • 2 days ago



      do you think being a garbage man in japan as a good of a job as it is in the west? assuming youre not in one of the sorting facilities

  11. 2 days ago



    Whatever it is if I see the +openworld tag I'm avoiding it like a piece of sh*t I was about to step on.

  12. 2 days ago



    >too good
    >zero good bosses
    >copy pasted caves, dungeons, and bosses
    >moronic upgrade system
    >sh*tty lock on camera
    >nonsensical plot
    >NPC quests that are just as convoluted
    >ass backward co-op, gimped invasions
    >zero replayability

  13. 2 days ago



    Kino ring is the peak of humankind, no other art will ever top fromgods masterpiece

    • 2 days ago




    • 2 days ago



      What's after Elden Ring? (17)

      >Oda walks in the room

      Elden Ring is 3rd place, Dark Souls is 2nd, One Piece is 1st.

      • 2 days ago



        >Juan Piss troony


        • 2 days ago



          >he didnt read the manga
          you didnt beat the game

  14. 2 days ago



    What's after Elden Ring? (18)

    Elden Ring 2 with actually good multiplayer

  15. 2 days ago



    From Software doesn't make games that require 10M sales to be profitable so there's no need to worry about this nonsense. It's not even your business, so why you'd think about strategic decisions for the company is beyond me. The next game will probably sell a couple millions and make a solid profit. ER just got overhyped because the fat frick was marketed as having worked on its story.

  16. 2 days ago



    AC6 was better
    Sekiro was better
    Bloodborne was better

  17. 2 days ago



    What's after Elden Ring? (19)

    >How can Hidetaka Miyazaki top his Magnum Opus?
    Bloodborne 2 or just porting Bloodborne to PC

  18. 2 days ago



    Whatever's next, some things are guaranteed
    >more rollslop
    >recycled assets
    >everyone calls it the greatest thing ever made

  19. 2 days ago



    i bought sekiro but refunded it. it just plays like sh*t with the parry mechanic, no fun at all, level design way too open and vertical as well. you can skip all enemies, it makes no sense to attack them anyway cause there's no levels/souls

    • 2 days ago



      If you want a (you) just ask, man.
      You don't have to be a gay hom*osexual and bait.

      • 2 days ago



        entertain the idea that this is actually my honest opinion for a second, not everyone is out for you hunting

        >level design way too open and vertical as well. you can skip all enemies, it makes no sense to attack them anyway cause there's no levels/souls
        you realize its a game about a ninja right

        you're obviously right, i guess it's the setting then which i just can't get with

    • 2 days ago



      >level design way too open and vertical as well. you can skip all enemies, it makes no sense to attack them anyway cause there's no levels/souls
      you realize its a game about a ninja right

  20. 2 days ago



    Ninja Blade 2

  21. 2 days ago



    I finished the dlc and really enjoyed it and just love ER in general.I'm finally playing sekiro, and I gotta say sekiro MOGS elden ring. Why the frick did I wait so long?

  22. 2 days ago



    i think the souls formula is finally over

    • 2 days ago



      why would it be? it's printing money like crazy

      • 2 days ago



        what else can be done, its been perfected

        • 2 days ago



          There's lots of stuff that you can add or polish.
          ER was a step in the right direction for many things as it made the combat and enemy design finally decent, but there's still too many caveats, too much cargo cult sh*t from the Souls formula that is only there because they clearly feared backlash from the cultists.
          Stats alone could be made much better, they could do something like tie different evasion animations to your DEX levels, or make it dependant on equipment weight so END has some uses other than making your stamina bar bigger, they could let you tie any moveset to a weapon rather than having them locked to a single one, move away from catalysts when it comes to spell and let you cast them with whatever you want but have certain weapons be "catalysts" in the sense that they give you bonuses to damage, make casting faster or even completely change certain spells, they could and should completely rework the movement system etc.
          There's many possibilities, but they won't dare actually try because they're too afraid of ruining their golden goose, it's best to start a new franchise altogether and keep Souls stuff separate to avoid issues.

        • 2 days ago



          >its been perfected
          and yet the level design has only regressed since DaS1

  23. 2 days ago



    Bloodborne 2.
    and it will be his best game to date.

  24. 2 days ago



    If the DLC says something. It's nothing but down hill from here. Mark my words.

    • 2 days ago



      This is what I feel like as well. I loved the base game, but I could already see some major danger signs in it. The DLC just confirmed my fears.
      It's no surprise, though. This happens to everything that gets popular. Once the money starts trickling in, the artist becomes a businessman.

  25. 2 days ago



    What's after Elden Ring? (20)

    he said they're switching to smaller games
    personally I'm hoping we get a ARPG inside a giant city, baiscally bloodborne but even more complex and dense
    no open world garbage, just pure gameplay and dungeon crawling

  26. 2 days ago



    I just want a bloodborne pc port
    thats it

    • 2 days ago



      never ever

    • 2 days ago



      At best, you will get a bluepoint demake. And hom*osexuals will praise it.

  27. 2 days ago



    There's no way they can come close to replicating the sales ER had again without straight up making Elden Ring 2

  28. 2 days ago



    they'll literally just make more of it
    ER is already so formulaic that parts of it almost feel like a souls parody

  29. 2 days ago



    Just go back to Demon's Souls philosophy to frick with people

    >world state changes based on inscrutable actions
    >slow, weighty combat
    >actual inventory management
    >most bosses are beaten by exploiting certain mechanics
    >crazy sh*t like NPCs murdering your other NPCs
    >you can lose access to item storage and other zany sh*t if you frick up
    >actual roleplaying - covenants and factions matter
    >overhaul online to be less of an afterthought, you can invade as enemies and influence the environment
    >more transformations like egg mode from DS1 or broccoli mode from Bloodborne
    >more role playing/faction stuff in general
    >fricking bizarre enemies and environments
    >full of DS2-style secrets
    >game is actively hostile to you being completionist
    >random events
    >completely batsh*t new ideas that might be awful but are at least interesting

    The "genre" of Soulslike is pretty much a solved puzzle, so go back and take those weird experimental ideas of Demon's Souls and make a whole new-ass game out of it.

    • 2 days ago



      Your proposed game sounds tedious and annoying

      • 2 days ago



        why? people replay souls games a sh*tload anyway. why not implement more harsher gameplay mechanics that have potential to actually brick your save and make you restart?

    • 2 days ago



      only problem with demon souls is half the bosses are gimmick fights. im ok with 1 or 2 gimmick fights. not 4 or 5.

  30. 2 days ago



    Sekiro came before Elden Ring and AC6 came after, both are better than it, so it shouldn't be a problem.

    • 2 days ago



      I'm one of the biggest From drones here and AC6 does not hold a candle to Sekiro

      • 2 days ago



        Yes it does, it's the second best action game released in recent years, after Sekiro. Point is, both games are better than Elden Ring.

  31. 2 days ago



    What's after Elden Ring? (21)

    >How can Hidetaka Miyazaki top his Magnum Opus?
    I don't know, but Elden Ring didn't top it.

    • 2 days ago



      What's after Elden Ring? (22)

      le this.
      sekiro is unironically the better game.
      they can still top it but needs to switch back to laser focused single player experiences.

      • 2 days ago



        You say that as if it was an uncommon opinion.

  32. 2 days ago



    I'm hoping they dial it back with the open-world in the next game. I don't want them to outright drop it completely, as I do enjoy some of the open areas in elden ring, but to instead find a better balance between open-world exploration and older souls style level design. Elden Ring felt like the ratio was leaning too heavily on the open-world side of things.

  33. 2 days ago



    What's after Elden Ring? (23)

    Who knows, even the DLC was top notch kino. Probably the best they've made and will make for a while.
    I'm kind of holding out for more armored core stuff though

    • 2 days ago



      As far as physical boss design, sure they're all pretty cool looking and have neat attacks. As far as fighting them, they're just bullsh*t at times. Use a greatshield and a fast-attacking weapon and every boss is trivialized. Though I'm still of the (common) thought that Godwyn should have been with Miquella, not Radahn.

    • 2 days ago



      midra was fricking kino, i love frenzy flame stuff

      • 2 days ago



        he was a real problem until i realised the new Guts armour has 99 FOCUS. absolutely ridiculous compared to other armour. other heavy sets have like 30 to 40.

        madness literally gets invalidated when you wear that armour set.

  34. 2 days ago



    next game is on foot armored core after the great war and everybody is hidden in the earth crust.

  35. 2 days ago



    what's a fun build for the DLC? no magic sh*t, just weapon bunga and weapon arts

    • 2 days ago



      dex+cold affinity.

      cold heavy katana, and cold milady are great and you can get either weapon pretty early in the DLC.

      • 2 days ago



        thanks these sound fun, especially milady since it's a new kind of weapon. cold means stats into dex and int, right? emphasis on dex I guess for the scaling

        • 2 days ago



          cold doesn’t scale with int

  36. 2 days ago



    Elden Ring, but with Sekiro parries, Nioh stances, Dragon Dogma-esque skills and climbing.
    It'll be the greatest game of all time.

  37. 2 days ago



    They should make a horror game

  38. 2 days ago



    Every dark souls game + elden ring has been sh*t
    Demon's Souls
    Blood Borne
    rank from good to very good, when they actually give a sh*t to make a cohesive product they make something good. Though I'm guessing they make more garbage tbh.

  39. 2 days ago



    after doing Abyssal Woods last night along with the mansion I REALLY hope they make a DS style horror game. Fromsoft has roots in horror they can do it justice.

  40. 2 days ago



    they need to make The Surge but the mechanical enemies need to be biomechanical eldritch abominations. basically scifi bloodborne, but not holding back on the eldritch aspect. they are so fricking good at building unsettling environments and they are so good at making otherworldly designs, but they have quite honestly fumbled the last couple of boss' by not going harder on the space aspect.

  41. 2 days ago



    Miyazaki said smaller projects are next.
    Which is good. Frick open world slop.

  42. 2 days ago



    Probably another dark fantasy action rpg with a different name

  43. 2 days ago



    Sekiro was the best game of all time when it came out but then they released ER which is even better. They'll just make an even better masterpiece and so on

  44. 2 days ago



    They solved the genre, they can't fail now. As long as they continue to do "zannibart, forgive me", have a similar art style and have same style of diffuculty that any boomer can overcome with enough repetition, they are good. They can release the same sh*t with slightly different skins and slightly altered gameplay and be rich forever

  45. 2 days ago



    Elden Ring 2

  46. 2 days ago



    sekiro is his magnum opus also reminder that miyazaki talked down on elden ring and praised sekiro in an interview with IGN kek

  47. 2 days ago



    It's literally his worst Souls game

  48. 2 days ago



    >512 hours
    and you could have played at least 4 times as much actual game in this time if this was any other souls game and not open world.

    • 2 days ago



      I have 600 hours and I only beat the game like 4 times, 90% of my playtime is PvP since I don't enjoy "exploring" the dogsh*t empty open world.

      • 2 days ago




  49. 2 days ago




  50. 2 days ago



    What's after Elden Ring? (24)

    >anons sperging out over 512 hours
    >I have more than double this
    this does not bode well

  51. 2 days ago



    They still haven't topped Dark Souls 1

    • 2 days ago



      I'll top you, hom*osexual.

What's after Elden Ring? (2024)
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Article information

Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Views: 5558

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (77 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.