Silkie Chickens: Breed in Focus (2024)

  • By:Laurence Beeken
  • Editor: Tim Daniels
  • January 8, 2015
  • Updated: 3 years ago

Silkie Chickens: Breed in Focus (2)

Breed In

Silkie Chickens: Breed in Focus (3)

In this Breed In Focus, Lawrence looks at Silkie chickens, a unique breed with apompom, fifth toe, black skin and profuse fluffy plumage which looks more like fur than feathers.

Let’s face it; most chickens look the same; they are either a brown or a speckled bird with little or no intelligence. They lay eggs, and you eat them on a Sunday. OK, so perhaps for those of us who actually have an interest in chickens this is not the case, but for your average city family, this is about the limit of their knowledge of different breeds.

However, if you go to any poultry show one of the most instantly recognisable breeds, even to those unfamiliar with poultry, is that round powder puff of a chicken that looks like it’s covered in fur rather than feathers. Anyone can spot this popular breed, and even its name gives you an idea of what it looks like – the Silkie.

History of the Silkie

The Silkie is one of the oldest chicken breeds on record and is known by fanciers for being ‘discovered’ by Marco Polo, who wrote of hens which had “hair like cats, were black and laid the best of eggs”. Subsequent naturalists have described Silkie chickens, amongst other things as a cross between a rabbit and a fowl, as well as an abomination not fit for the table, which is understandable when you consider the Silkie had dark grey almost black flesh and bones- tasty but not very pleasant to look at!

Having been classified as a breed in the 1872 Crystal Palace Show, modern-day exhibition Silkies owe much of their current type to work by Mrs A Campbell (originator of the Campbell duck) in the early 1900’s. Her committed work and attention to type did much to improve the overall quality of the birds more in line with those seen today, in fact, some breeders claim to be able to trace the lineage of their lines back to her original birds.

General characteristics of Silkie chickens

A popular and unique breed, the Silkie is instantly recognisable by its pompom, fifth toe, black skin and profuse fluffy plumage, caused by an absence of barbs on the feathers which prevents them from knitting together.

Silkie Chickens: Breed in Focus (4)

Originating in Asia, the Poultry Club of Great Britain classes Silkie chickens as a Light, Soft Feather breed, large or bantam (miniature). Described as stylish, compact and lively, enthusiasts will agree that there is nothing quite like a Silkie.

Easily tamed and great as a ‘sitter’, the breed is famed for its broody instinct and will successfully brood the eggs of other birds such as ducks. So strong is this instinct that the hen will sometimes go without food and water, so you will need to keep an eye on her. One downside to the Silkie’s broody ability is dense under fluff which can fatally tangle around the young chicks, so a Silkie cross with harder feathers is a better alternative if you wish to do this.

A superb pet for children, this breed is very docile and the co*ckerels very placid and not particularly noisy. Easy to hand tame, Silkies do not fly and are easily confined behind a low fence. Hens come back into lay around New Year so are reliable when other breeds are still ‘off lay’.

Unfortunately susceptible to Marek’s Disease, you will need to ensure stock is vaccinated unless you prefer to breed for resistance. Colours include white, black, blue, partridge and gold. Red and Cuckoo are not yet standardised, although they are in the process of being perfected.


Confusing at the best of times, beyond comprehension at the worst, there are a few pointers with Silkie chickens that you need to remember:

Breeding Tips: Silkie Chickens.

  • The feather type is recessive. Cross a silkie with any hard feathered bird, and the offspring will be hard feathered. Cross these offspring together, and you will get some silkie feathered birds.
  • Toes – the five toes result from ‘polydactyl’ which increases the number of toes, plus the intervention of another gene that limits them to 5. If your line of birds is suffering from a shrinking toe size, successive generations will lose the toe further, starting with the nail.
  • A white bird is a coloured bird with a missing ‘colour developer’ gene.
Silkie Chickens: Breed in Focus (6)

Silkie eggs and incubation

Fortunately, you have a great broody here, so often, Silkie breeders will forgo traditional incubation equipment favouring Mother Nature. If this is your preferred option, it is worth hatching some Silkie cross birds as the harder feathering will prevent chick mortality from getting caught in the feathers.

If you are breeding in quantity or have an incredibly inbred line with hatching difficulties, you may want to look into cabinet type incubators with careful incubation humidity control as this is something that seems to affect the hatchability of some of the good exhibition strains.

Silkie Chickens: Breed in Focus (7)

Silkies lay early in the New Year, often coming into lay just after December as the days lengthen. This is great if you want to get a head start with the shows, as the birds will have matured sufficiently by the time the major ones start, and a Silkie does need maturity to show off its shape well.

Eggs should be collected a couple of times a day to prevent broodiness and stored in a cool room (a spare room with the radiators turned off is often used).

Incubation is no different to any other breed; it is the hatching that may take a little extra vigilance. Many exhibition lines have a thickened membrane in the shell that, combined with humidity, the larger than average feet and enlarged head dome can make hatching difficult.

If, after pipping, no progress has been made within 2 hours, you may want to intervene and help the chick out depending on your ethos. In the past, I helped out my whites but left my blacks, who seemed to pop out like peas from a pod! Only your preference and experience of the line can guide you here on what is best for you.

Exhibiting your Silkie

Probably one of the most popular of the exhibition breeds and certainly one of the best suited for showing, Silkies are normally found on championship row of the larger shows and have a history of being a good ladies exhibit (popular with female exhibitors as opposed to only shown by women!).

Silkie Chickens: Breed in Focus (8)

Preparation is an art in itself, and intelligent washing and drying at the correct time before a show will fluff a bird up beyond expectation, and certainly is worth the effort if you wish to compete: a poorly prepared bird will fail to do well regardless of its genetic quality.

When showing your Silkie, you should remember that a judge will grade your bird on 5 main points. These are covered in a separate article: Exhibiting Silkies – The Breed Standard.

Breed profile

No. of Eggs


Easy to Keep?


Uses:Persistent broody / Pets / Exhibition.
Origin: Asia.
Egg colour:
Tinted or Cream.
Weight: co*ck: 1.8 Kg.Hen: 1.36 Kg.
Colours: Black, Blue, Gold, Partridge, White, in Standard or Bearded.
Useful to Know: Silkie chickens are very persistent broody hens, so good, sometimes they will not eat and require regular removal from the nest to make sure they get fed.

Silkie chickens photo gallery


The following books are available. Links take you to the Amazon or other sellers’ pages for the books.

  • Popular Poultry Breeds – D. Scrivener – P.237
  • Storey’s Illustrated Guide to Poultry Breeds – C. Ekarius P.158
  • British Poultry Standards – P.275
  • American Standard of Perfection (Bantams) – P.307

Breed clubs

These are the breed clubs for Silkie chickens:

  • UK: The Silkie Club of Great Britain – Gabbie Franklin Tel: 01981 510606 (evenings) or email
  • AUS: The Silkie Club of Australia

Related articles

You might be interested in these articles about Silkie chickens:

  • Diseases Common to Silkies – by Lawence Beeken
  • Exhibiting Silkies: The Breed Standard – by Lawrence Beeken

Laurence Beeken

Laurence has previously judged at National level and has sat on several international breed club committees. He is the author of the Haynes Chicken Manual as well as contributing to several poultry magazines.

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Silkie Chickens: Breed in Focus (2024)


Silkie Chickens: Breed in Focus? ›

A popular and unique breed, the Silkie is instantly recognisable by its pompom, fifth toe, black skin and profuse fluffy plumage, caused by an absence of barbs on the feathers which prevents them from knitting together.

What is unique about Silkie chickens? ›

Silkies are tiny little chicks and only get cuter as they grow. They require the same care in the brooder as standard sized chickens, but they seem a little more fragile for the first couple of days. Silkies have 5 toes as opposed to standard breeds who only have 4 toes. They are super sweet and make great family pets.

How intelligent are Silkie chickens? ›

Though they may not be the most intelligent of the chicken breeds, silkies make up for it by being the most gentle and sweet. They are extremely laid-back and easy-going, so they make great pets, even for those who are not used to chickens.

What are the pros and cons of a Silkie chicken? ›

Chapter 9: Pros & Cons of Silkie Chickens
Good with kidsSusceptible to live & mites
Relatively quietGo broody often
Great if you're looking to hatch chicksCan get picked on by other chickens
Make for the best petsCan have issues in wet/cold climates
3 more rows
Jun 15, 2023

What is unique to the Silkie bantam breed? ›

The breed has several other unusual qualities, such as black skin and bones, blue earlobes, and five toes on each foot, whereas most chickens have only four. They are often exhibited in poultry shows, and also appear in various colors.

Why are Silkies so expensive? ›

To raise Silkies for meat, it would cost way more in feed and time to produce a smaller, tougher bird.” Silkie have a rich history of Chinese tradition, folklore, and culture. Their dark meat, skin, and bones are believed to have medicinal qualities.

What is the most popular Silkie color? ›

Silkies are most commonly found in a crisp white tone, but for those of us that like our backyard to be dotted with colorful little cotton balls, the possibilities are near endless.

Can you mix Silkies with other chickens? ›

Silkies. Aside from their adorable looks, this breed is known to be among the friendliest! Don't let their small size fool you, silkies can stand their ground in a mixed flock too. They're fun and love to get to know other chickens in their flock, which makes them some of the best chickens to incorporate into a flock.

Are Silkie chickens cuddly? ›

Silkies are known for their docile personalities, good mothering abilities, and unique looks. They're the teddy bear cuddlers of the chicken world. Silkies are one of the most unique chicken breeds in the world. Short, squatty, with fuzzy, fur-like feathers, the birds stand out amongst their fowl friends.

What are the benefits of owning a Silkie chicken? ›

The fact that silkie chickens are unable to fly due to their fluffy plumage makes them the easiest of all chickens to keep as pets because they are that much easier to contain. Silkies are also known for their calm, friendly temperament, which makes them exceptionally great pets for homes that have children.

What is the lifespan of a Silkie chicken? ›

Silkies are relatively long lived for chickens with an average life expectancy of around eight or nine years and they remain productive long after other breeds have stopped laying eggs.

How much do Silkies cost? ›

Blue Banty Farm
Straight Run
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Can you eat Silkie chicken eggs? ›

Yes, you can eat Silkie eggs. They taste pretty good as Silkies love to free range and find all sorts of greenery and insects, all of which improve the eggs and especially the bright yellow yolks. Because Silkies are so small, their eggs are also a little smaller but that makes them ideal for a kid's breakfast.

How many Silkie chickens should I get? ›

Chickens, including Silkies, do better in a flock than when kept on their own and you should get at least 4 – 5 Silkies to start with.

Why do Silkies have 5 toes? ›

Silkie chickens- bless them, do like to do things a little differently and like humans have five toes adorning each foot. There is no real reasoning behind why silkies have five toes or what this means for them, just another quirk that makes them truly individual in the chicken breed world!

What is the rarest bantam breed? ›

Burmese. Special Features: The Burmese chicken is so rare that little is known about this exotic chicken breed. It is considered a bantam breed and is known to have unique features such as short legs, both a crest and beard feathers, as well as feathered feet.

Why are Silkie chickens so popular? ›

Overall, Silkie chickens are famous for their striking appearance and sweet temperament, suitability as broody hens, and adaptability to backyard environments. These characteristics make them a beloved choice among novice and experienced poultry keepers.

What are some facts about Silkies? ›

Silkies come in a delightful array of colors: black, blue, buff, gray, partridge, self-blue, splash, and white. They have turquoise earlobes, five- or six-toed feet, black muscles, and bones, with dark beaks, combs, and wattles. Their skin is also blue-colored. Adult birds weigh between 1 to 2 lbs.

Do Silkies bully other chickens? ›

Silkies are notorious for being at the bottom of the pecking order. If you have to keep them together (presuming in the same coop/run), then you need to make sure that both the housing and the run/pen have LOTS of space. And in that space you need lots of barriers that the smaller birds can duck behind/around…

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.