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Caterpillars and moths

Part II. Dermatologic manifestations of encounters with Lepidoptera

Eric W. Hossler, MD

Danville, Pennsylvania




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Caterpillars and moths (order Lepidoptera) are uncommonly recognized causes of adverse cutaneousreactions, such as localized stings, papular dermatitis, and urticarial wheals. These reactions are typicallymild and self-limited; however, in South America, the sting of Lonomia caterpillars can cause a potentiallyfatal hemorrhagic diathesis related to massive fibrinolysis. In addition, ocular inflammation and prominentarthralgias have been reported to be caused by caterpillar exposures. Therapies for mucocutaneousreactions to Lepidoptera are largely empiric, with the exception of antivenin against Lonomia obliquaenvenomation. Part II of this two-part series on caterpillars and moths reviews the varied symptoms causedby Lepidopteran exposures, reviews the differential diagnosis, and discusses appropriate treatmentalgorithms. ( J Am Acad Dermatol 2010;62:13-28.)

Learning objectives: After completing this learning activity, participants should be able to recognize themost common species that cause caterpillar- and moth-related reactions, categorize the reactions based onthe clinical manifestations, and choose the most appropriate therapy.

Key words: dermatitis; insect bites and stings; Lepidoptera; moths; urticaria.

Lepidoptera are one of the most diverse groupsof insects, but they are an uncommon cause ofhuman disease. Their effects on humans are as

myriad as their diversity. In the first part of this two-part series, I defined the terminology related tocaterpillar- and moth-related disease, reviewed theepidemiology of caterpillar and moth envenomation,and discussed known pathologic mechanisms ofdisease caused by these insects. Part II of this reviewwill provide more clinical information on each clin-ical pattern of disease caused by Lepitoptera andprovide information on the species of caterpillar ormoth that is potentially responsible for each pattern.In this way, the reader may use either the clinicalimpression or correct identification of the offendingspecies to guide both management and therapy. Anoverview of published therapies is provided at theend of this review.

the Department of Dermatology, Geisinger Medical Center,


ing sources: None.

uthors, editors, and peer reviewers have no relevant financial


int requests: Eric W. Hossler, MD, Department of Dermatology,

eisinger Medical Center, 115 Woodbine Ln, Danville, PA

822. E-mail: [emailprotected].


09 by the American Academy of Dermatology, Inc.


SYMPTOMSKey pointsd Localized stinging reactions are caused pri-

marily by caterpillars of three families: Sat-urniidae, Megalopygidae, and Limacodidae

d Papular urticaria and dermatitis tend to becaused by contact with furry or bristlycaterpillars

d Urticarial wheals, angioedema, and anaphy-laxis are most commonly reported withprocessionary caterpillars (genusThaumetopoea)

d A hemorrhagic diathesis can result fromLonomia stings

d Moths with the ability to pierce human skinhave been reported

d Ophthalmia nodosa results from ocular con-tact with caterpillar setae

d Dermatitis associated with prominent jointfindings is reported with Dendrolimus andPremolis caterpillars

d Oral exposure may occur in children and isusually mild

Cutaneous reactions to Lepidoptera come in manyforms, most commonly mild stings with a papulareruption, pruritic urticarial papules and plaques, orscaly erythematous papules and plaques in exposedareas. Consequently, the differential diagnosis is



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14 Hossler

often broad, and diagnosis requires a high index ofsuspicion and thoroughhistory. Patientsmay providea history of caterpillar or moth exposure, and ageneral knowledge of the most common offendingspecies in that area can be of great help.

Accurately classifying human reactions to en-counters with Lepidoptera is difficult because of


d The clinical patterns caused bycaterpillars and moths are localizedstinging reactions, papular urticaria anddermatitis, urticarial wheals, hemorrhagicdiathesis, ophthalmia nodosa,dendrolimiasis and pararamose, bites,and oral exposure.

d The differential diagnosis for thesereactions is broad, and a history ofcaterpillar or moth exposure is helpful inmaking an appropriate diagnosis.

d Treatments for these reactions remainempiric, but an effective antivenin existsfor Lonomia obliqua stings.

poor documentation. Thereare only scant publicationson the subject, and thosethat are available lack unifor-mity in either scope or inves-tigation. The great diversityof offending species alongwith difficulty in accuratespeciation adds to the prob-lem. In tropical areas, wherethe diversity of Lepidopterafar exceeds that of temperateregions, Lepidoptera may belargely unclassified, andthere may be a completelack of documented medicalrecords in these areas. A fur-ther difficulty is that somespecies are capable of pro-ducing myriad adverse ef-

fects: the caterpillars of the browntail moth(Euproctis chrysorrhea) are able to cause eczema-tous dermatitis, papular urticaria, urticarial wheals,vesicopustular eruptions, bruising, conjunctivitis,rhinitis, and possibly fatal allergic reactions.1-4 Mostspecies, however, primarily cause one type of reac-tion, and it is with this in mind that the followingclassification is offered: localized stings, papularurticaria or dermatitis, urticarial wheals, hemorrhagicdiathesis, ophthalmia nodosa, prominent arthritis/arthralgias, bite reactions, and oral exposure(Table I).

The following paragraphs and tables are orga-nized first by predominant symptom and then bygeographic location to help clinicians with accuratediagnosis and speciation.

Localized stingsIn the United States, localized stinging reactions

caused by caterpillars are largely due to members ofthree families: Saturniidae, Megalopygidae, andLimacodidae (Table II). The Saturniidae are knownas silkmoths, and the strictly American subfamilyHemileucinae contains all the known stingingSaturniidae. Composed of 49 genera and approxi-mately 670 species from Canada to Argentina andChile,5 all species may be capable of stings, althoughthe caterpillars of most species have yet to be

described. Larvae of at least seven genera(Automeris,6,7 Hemileuca,8 Leucanella, Molippa,Dirphia, Cerodirphia,9-11 and Hylesia12) are knownto sting.

The most well known member of theHemileucinae is the io moth, Automeris io (Fig 1).It is commonly found throughout the summer from

southern Canada throughoutthe eastern United States,and is also found as far southas Costa Rica.13 Contact withcaterpillars causes a nettle-like stinging sensation fol-lowed by a pruritic papu-lourticarial eruption thatmay last for hours.7,13

Dizziness, diaphoresis, andabdominal pain are rarelyreported.14 The similar A lou-isiana can sting and is foundnearly year round along theGulf of Mexico in Louisiana,Mississippi, and Texas. Alsobelonging to this family is thebuck moth, Hemileuca maia(Fig 2), which is commonlyfound in the eastern United

States. It causes mild to moderate stings similar tothat of the io moth.8 In the western United States, theclosely related range caterpillar (H oliviae) maycause localized stings. There are 16 other species ofHemileuca in the United States and Canada, all ofwhich possess stinging capability.15

In the family Limacodidae, the most well knowncaterpillar is the saddleback (Acharia stimulea; Fig3), which is common throughout the eastern UnitedStates to Texas and Florida from late summer intoOctober.13 The stings are potent; contact causesintense pain and urtication or vesiculation (Fig 4).16

Less intense stings are caused by other members ofthe Limacodidae found in the eastern United States:Natada nasoni, Parasa chloris, P indetermina,Euclea delphinii, Isa textula, and Adoneta spinu-loides (Figs 5-9).17 In Hawaii, the stinging nettle moth(Darna pallivitta) was introduced in 2001 fromSoutheast Asia. Contact causes immediate stingingand wheal formation, which may take up to 5 days toresolve.18,19

In the United States, the most severe stings belongto the caterpillar of the southern flannel mothMegalopyge opercularis (family Megalopygidae),commonly called the puss caterpillar. It is found inthe eastern United States from the mid-Atlantic statesthrough Texas into Mexico and central Americathroughout the summer but especially from

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Table II. Some common caterpillars that cause localized stings

Common name Species Location

Io moth Automeris io6,7 Southern Canada, Eastern US to theRocky Mountains, south to CostaRica

Buck moth Hemileuca maia8 Eastern USPalometa peluda (little hairy pigeon) Hylesia spp.5,12,56,60,136-138 Mexico, Central, and South AmericaCup moth Doratifera vulnerans, D oxleyi, and D


Billygoat plum stinging caterpillar Thosea penthima39 AustraliaStinging nettle caterpillar Darna pallivitta18,19 Hawaii and Southeast AsiaSlug caterpillar Latoia (Parasa) lepida41,42 JapanPuss caterpillar, flannel moth

caterpillar, asp, bicho peludo negroMegalopyge opercularis and M

crispata21-30Southeastern US south to Central

AmericaGum leaf skeletonizer Uraba lugens35-38 Australia and New ZealandMourning cloak (US), Camberwell

beauty (UK)Nymphalis antiopa17,47 North America and Eurasia

Danaid eggfly Hypolimnas misippus38 Southeast Asia, Africa, tropicalAmericas, and Australia

UK, United Kingdom; US, United States.

Table I. Overview of Lepidopteran reactions

Reaction Description

Localizedstinging reactions

Immediate mild to severe pain that lasts hours to days; uncommonlyassociated with systemic symptoms

Papular urticariaand dermatitis

Mild to moderate localized pruritic papules or eczematous patches;predominantly exposed areas; may last for days

Urticarial wheals Evanescent pruritic wheals with or without angioedemaor anaphylaxis


Localized stinging reaction followed by headache, mucocutaneoushemorrhage, potentially fatal alveolar or cerebral hemorrhage, or renal failure

Ophthalmia nodosa Acute unilateral chemosis, occasional granulomatous inflammation or uveitisDendrolimiasis

and pararamoseNonspecific dermatitis associated with prominent joint involvement (arthritis or arthralgias)

Bites Rare; mild and self-limitedOral exposure Typically mild and self-limited lip or oral mucosal irritation



Hossler 15

September through October, when the highest num-bers of stings are reported.20-23 Caterpillars, alsocalled ‘‘asps’’ or ‘‘bicho peludo negro,’’ are easilyrecognized by their wooly appearance and charac-teristic ‘‘tail’’ (Fig 10). There are spines hidden withinthe dense hair coat that cause severe burning pain,edema, erythema, and a characteristic grid-like hem-orrhagic papular eruption (Fig 11).24-29 Up to one-thirdof victims may have systemic reactions, includinglymphadenopathy, headache, acute abdominal dis-tress, muscle spasm, faintness, vertigo, respiratorydistress, swallowing difficulty, shock-like symptoms,or convulsions.21-23,28-30 A fascinating catalog ofreported stings can be found at http://www.bugsinthenews.com/puss_caterpillar_encounters.htm.31 In

the northeast United States, the similar black-wavedflannel moth (M crispata) causes a less severe sting.26

Other Megalopyge species, including M urens, Mlanata, and M krugi, found in Central and SouthAmerica, may also be capable of severe stings.10,32,33

A related species, the white flannel moth (Norapeovina; Fig 12), causes mild stings and is found fromVirginia to Missouri and across the southeasternUnited States.13,34

In Australia and New Zealand, the gum leafskeletonizer moth (Uraba lugens; Fig 13) is anothermember of Limacodidae whose stings cause pain,erythema, and wheal formation (Fig 14).35-38

Australia is the home of several other stingingLimacodids, including the billygoat plum stinging

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Fig 1. Io moth caterpillar (Automeris io).

Fig 2. Buck moth caterpillar (Hemileuca maia).

Fig 3. Saddleback caterpillar (Acharia stimulea).

Fig 4. Saddleback caterpillar envenomation: author’sforearm.

Fig 5. Nason’s slug (Natada nasoni).

Fig 6. Smaller parasa (Parasa chloris).



16 Hossler

caterpillar (Thosea penthima), which can cause mildto severe stings, in one case associated with crushingchest pain.39 Members of the genera Doratifera,38,40

Microleon, Monema, and Scopelodes17 also can causehuman stings.

Reports from other continents are sparse. TwoAsian Limacodids have been reported: in China,Parasa hilarata causes stings,33 while the Japaneseslug caterpillar Latoia (Parasa) lepida has causedseveral cases of dermatitis.41,42

Papular urticaria and dermatitisPapular urticaria and dermatitis tends to be

caused by the setae from hairy or bristly caterpillarsor from adult moths (Table III). Most tiger moth

caterpillars (family Arctiidae) are wooly or fuzzy, anda number have been reported to cause mild papularpruritic dermatitis. The hickory tussock moth(Lophocampa caryae) is found in the United Statesfrom Maine to the Carolinas in late summer, and iseasily recognized by its black and white pattern (Fig15).13 Exposures cause a mildly pruritic eruption thatoften self resolves within an hour. Direct oral contacthas occurred in children, and can cause crying,drooling, refusal to drink, and oral or lip irritation.43

The great tiger moth (Arctia caja) grows to 6 cm inlength and is covered with stiff black hairs that maycause a pruritic red scaly papular eruption.33,44

Several other species in the United States are lesscommonly reported to cause dermatitis (Table III).

The gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar) is a wellknown cause of dermatitis in the northeast United

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Fig 7. Stinging rose caterpillar (Parasa indetermina).

Fig 8. Spiny oak slug (Euclea delphinii).

Fig 9. Crowned slug (Isa textula).

Fig 10. Puss caterpillar (Megalopyge opercularis).

Fig 11. Sting of puss caterpillar, with characteristic hem-orrhagic ‘‘grid-like’’ appearance. (Photograph courtesy ofDirk M. Elston, MD, Geisinger Medical Center. Image is inthe public domain.)

Fig 12. White flannel moth (Norape ovina).



Hossler 17

States, where it was introduced from Europe around1869. The caterpillars are found from May to June,and are recognized by a series of paired warts on thehead, with blue and red pairs along the dorsalsurface of the caterpillar (Fig 16).13 Contact with Ldispar caterpillars causes a pruritic eruption vari-ously described as papular, urticarial, or eczematous,typically most prominent in uncovered areas (Fig17). The variability in rash morphology may belinked to the multiple pathologic mechanisms in-volved. The rash is self-limited, lasting approxi-mately 4 to 7 days.45,46

The white-marked tussock moth caterpillar(Orgyia leucostigma), with a bright red head andprominent yellow or white dorsal tufts, is one of themost easily recognizable caterpillars in the UnitedStates (Fig 18). It is found from southern Canada

south to Texas.13 Contact with either the caterpillaror cocoon has been reported to cause dermatitis aftercontact with the skin.17,20,47 A closely related cater-pillar, the Douglas-fir tussock moth (O pseudotsu-gata) can be very common on conifer trees in the latespring in the Pacific Northwest United States.48-50

Contact with these caterpillars causes welts or pap-ular urticaria, although sometimes dermatitis oc-curs.50-52 Some series describe the eruption assimply ‘‘rash’’ or ‘‘itch.’’51

The genus Hylesia comprises about 110 speciesand is found from Mexico southward throughoutSouth America.5,53,54 Female moths (Fig 19) of manyspecies bear hollow abdominal setae5,12,55,56 and

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Fig 13. Gum leaf skeletonizer moth caterpillar (Urabalugens). (Reprinted with permission from Scion Research,Rotorua, New Zealand.35)

Fig 14. Sting of gum leaf skeletonizer moth caterpillar.(Reprinted with permission from Scion Research, Rotorua,New Zealand.35)



18 Hossler

contact with the setae on adult moths or setaedeposited on egg masses causes pruritic papulourti-carial or vesicular eruptions (Fig 20). In Venezuela,where the moths are called palometa peluda (thelittle hairy pigeon),56 the rash is called Caripito itch,named after the port city of Caripito, where numer-ous outbreaks have been documented.57,58

Dermatitis may be widespread, and symptoms cancontinue for weeks after exposure.56-60 Even inter-national travelers to endemic areas may return homewith dermatitis from exposure to Hylesia.59

In Europe, caterpillars of the browntail moth(Euproctis chrysorrhea) are found from England tothe Caucasus Mountains.61-63 A small population is alsofound in the United States, centered around southeast-ern coastal Maine and Cape Cod, although the range ofE chrysorrhea in North America formerly extendedwestward to the Hudson River Valley.13,61 The caterpil-lars, which have orange or red abdominal tufts and acharacteristic white lateral stripe (Fig 21), cause pap-ulourticarial or eczematous eruptions in exposed areas(Fig 22).1,2 Although most reactions are mild, some aremore severe,1-3 and at least one death has been attrib-uted to overwhelming allergic reaction to this insect.4

Two European Lasiocampids, the oak eggar(Lasiocampa quercus) and small eggar (Eriogaster

lanestris), have been reported to cause widespreadpapular urticaria after direct or indirect exposure tothe caterpillar setae.44

There are numerous Australian caterpillars thatcause dermatitis. The caterpillar of the mistletoebrowntail moth (Euproctis edwardsi) is the mostcommon cause of caterpillar dermatitis in Australia.37

Contact with larvae causes pruritic urticarial whealsor papular dermatitis that can be severe.64-66

Cocoons also bear irritating setae. The larvae arecovered with long hairs, but the offending setae,which can embed in human skin, are minute andfound only within a white streak along the dorsalsurface of the caterpillar.64-66 A similar species foundin the Northern Territory that also causes dermatitis isE stenomorpha.37 Larvae and cocoons of theAustralian white-stemmed gum moth (Chelepteryxcollesi) bear stiff setae that can penetrate unprotectedskin, causing pain, swelling, papular dermatitis,urticaria, or angioedema.37,38,67,68 These caterpillarsgrow to 10 cm in length and feed on eucalyptus.38

Anthela nicothoe larvae have caused papular der-matitis in pine plantation workers.37 The genusAnthela contains 50 other members in Australia,several of which are known to be urticating.38 Thecaterpillar of the bag-shelter moth (Ochrogasterlunifer) is found throughout Australia and is oftenfound in long processionary lines feeding on Acaciatrees. Contact with the hairy caterpillars may causesevere papular or urticarial dermatitis or ophthalmianodosa.40,69 Several other Australian caterpillars arecapable of causing papular dermatitis (Table III).

In Asia, there are several species related to thebrowntail and mistletoe browntail moths that causepapular urticaria or dermatitis. These include thecaterpillar and moth of the Asian mulberry tussockmoth (E flava) found in China,70-72 adult moths of Ebipunctapex in Singapore,73 the caterpillar of theJapanese tea tussock moth (E pseudoconspersa),33,74

E flavociliata, and E funeralis.33

Reports of African Lepidoptera causing humandisease are woefully inadequate. In Nigeria, adultmoths of Anaphe venata may cause dermatitis sim-ilar to that of Hylesia.9,17,55

Urticarial whealsThree species of processionary caterpillars (all

belong to the genus Thaumetopoea) cause urticariaor angioedema after contact with caterpillar setae.Two species are commonly known as the pineprocessionary caterpillar (T wilkinsoni and T pity-ocampa); both cause human exposures primarilyfrom December to April when the caterpillars can befound feeding on pines.75,76 T wilkinsoni is found onCyprus, Israel, Turkey, and the near east,77 whereas

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Table III. Species that cause primarily papulourticarial reactions

Common name Species Location

Browntail moth Euproctis chrysorrhea1-4,13,61-63 Europe and the US*Gypsy moth Lymantria dispar13,45,46 Europe and the Eastern USHickory tussock moth Lophocampa caryae13,43 USWhite-marked tussock moth Orgyia leucostigma13,17,20,47 Eastern US and CanadaDouglas-fir tussock moth O. pseudotsugata48-52 Pacific USNone Hylesia continua and H frigida5,136,137 Mexico to PanamaPalometa peluda (little hairy pigeon) Hylesia metabus5,56,60,138 South AmericaNone Hylesia nigricans5 ArgentinaAsian mulberry tussock moth Euproctis flava70-72 Korea, Japan, and ChinaNone Euproctis bipunctapex73 SingaporeJapanese tea tussock moth Euproctis pseudoconspersa33,74 JapanNone Anthela nicothoe37, 38 AustraliaWhite-stemmed gum moth Chelepteryx collesi37,38,67,68 AustraliaMistletoe browntail moth Euproctis edwardsi64-66 AustraliaNone Spilosoma glatingnyi37,38 AustraliaNone Eutane terminalis37,38 AustraliaNone Manuela replana37, 38 AustraliaNone Panacela lewinae37,38 AustraliaNone Orgyia (Teia) anartoides37,38 AustraliaNone Porthesia lutea38 AustraliaNone Acyphas leucomelas37,38 AustraliaNone Leptocneria reducta37,38 AustraliaAustralian bag-shelter moth Ochrogaster lunifer40,69 AustraliaNone Anaphe venata9, 17, 55 Nigeria

US, United States.

*In the United States, it is found only in the coastal regions of Maine and Massachusetts.



Hossler 19

T pityocampa (Fig 23) is found in Britain and inSouthern Europe.75,77,78 The oak processionary cat-erpillar (T processionea) occurs in southern andcentral Europe, but in contrast to its pine-feedingcousins it is found during the summer months.79

Contact with caterpillars, cocoons, airborne setae,or soil contaminated with setae from any of thesespecies causes urticaria or angioedema.75,80-85 This isconsistent with the type I hypersensitivity reactionsfound in laboratory and clinical experimentationwith processionary caterpillars.75,86-91 Systemicsymptoms, such as vomiting, abdominal pain, hy-pertension, or anaphylaxis, have only rarely beenreported.76,79,92,93 To date, no deaths have beenreported in the English medical literature.

Hemorrhagic diathesis (Lonomism)Caterpillars of L obliqua and L achelous cause

localized stings that may progress to a severe hem-orrhagic diathesis termed Lonomism. These gregar-ious and brightly colored caterpillars bear branchedspines (Fig 24) and are found primarily in Brazil andVenezuela (Fig 25).94 Since it was first reported in1967, approximately 1000 cases have been re-ported.95 After envenomation, a mild to severeburning pain occurs, often accompanied by

headache, nausea, or vomiting. During the nextone to several days, cutaneous, mucosal, and visceralhemorrhage ensues (Fig 26). Frank or microscopichematuria and renal failure may occur. Death mayfollow from alveolar or intracranial hemorrhage.96-99

Lemaire5 described 11 species of Lonomia; hemor-rhagic diathesis was not seen after envenomation byL electra, but to date, stings to other species have notbeen reported.5 I advise avoiding contact with allspecies in this genus.

Biting mothsSix known species of moths from the genus

Calyptra have the distinct ability to pierce mamma-lian skin—including that of humans—with a rasp-like proboscis in order to feed on blood (Fig 27).100

Although the genus Calyptra is widely distributed,including distribution in the United States, onlyspecies from southern and Southeast Asia and east-ern Russia have been documented to bite humans.100

Only male moths are known to bite.17,100,101 Bitesfrom these moths are variously described as painlessand transient to intensely painful with swelling thatmay remain until the next day. Because of the abilityto pierce skin, some authors suggest a theoretical riskof transmissible disease.17,101

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Fig 15. Hickory tussock moth caterpillar (Lophocampacaryae).

Fig 16. Gypsy moth caterpillar (Lymantria dispar).

Fig 17. Rash from contact with gypsy moth caterpillars.

Fig 19. Female Hylesia lineata. (Photograph courtesy ofD. Janzen, PhD, and W. Hallwachs, PhD, University ofPennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA. All rights reserved.)

Fig 18. White-marked tussock moth caterpillar (Orgyialeucostigma).

Fig 20. ‘‘Caripito itch’’ from contact with the setae offemale Hylesia moths. (Photograph courtesy of Dirk M.Elston, MD. Image is in the public domain.)



20 Hossler

Prominent arthritis/arthralgiasDendrolimiasis refers to the syndrome of derma-

titis and arthritis/chondritis caused by contact withthe Masson pine caterpillar (genus Dendrolimus)found in China.102 Both caterpillars and cocoonsmay cause a self-limited papular or urticarial erup-tion associated in up to two-thirds of patients withperipheral monoarticular arthropathy that can resultin joint destruction.102,103 Chondritis affecting thecostal, thyroid, and auricular cartilages has beendescribed. Soft tissue swelling and pain may also bepresent. Ophthalmitis has also been reported.102,103

Pararamose is similar, with a nonspecific pruriticskin eruption associated with a potentially deform-ing arthritis. It is caused by contact with caterpillars,

cocoons, or imagines of the Brazilian moth Premolissemirufa.104,105

Ophthalmia nodosaCaterpillar and tarantula hairs can cause a toxic or

allergic eye irritation called ophthalmia nodosa.Setae may be windblown, transferred to the eye viaa finger or other fomite, or may result from directocular contact with the caterpillar. Unilateral upperlid involvement is typical and begins with chemosis

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Fig 21. Browntail moth caterpillar (Euproctischrysorrhoea).

Fig 22. Rash from contact with browntail moth caterpillar.(Photograph courtesy of Jan Samanek, State PhytosanitaryAdministration of the Czech Republic. All rights reserved.)

Fig 23. Pine processionary caterpillar (Thaumetopoeapityocampa). (Photograph courtesy of John H. Ghent, USDepartment of Agriculture, Forest Service, Bugwood.org.All rights reserved.)

Fig 25. Distribution of Lonomia achelous and L obliqua.

Fig 24. Lonomia spp.



Hossler 21

immediately after exposure.106,107 Patients oftenhave the sense of a foreign body. Chemosis mayprogress to granuloma formation, iritis, vitritis, reti-nitis, or endophthalmitis.108,109 Embedded hairs mayslowly migrate to deeper areas of the eye through anunknown mechanism, eventually reaching the opticnerve in some cases.108,110,111 Many species (Table

IV) have been reported to cause ophthalmia nodosa.In most reports, the offending species is not reportedor cannot be identified. Any caterpillar bearing setaemay have the potential to cause eye irritation.

Oral exposureReports of direct oral exposure to caterpillars are

rare. Most cases occur in children, who demonstratecrying, drooling, and lip irritation immediately afterexposure. Symptoms include dysphagia, erythema,pain, edema, and pruritus. The most common sites ofexposure are the tongue and lips, although thebuccal mucosa, palate, hypopharynx, and esopha-gus may be affected. Setae can be removed with tapestripping in most children with a resolution of thesymptoms in 12 to 24 hours40,43,112; however, somerequire admission for observation, direct laryngos-copy, bronchoscopy, and esophagoscopy in the

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Fig 26. Cutaneous hemorrhage secondary to Lonomiaobliqua sting. (Courtesy of Ronaldo Z. Mendonca andRoberto Henrique Pinto Moraes Pesq.Cientıfico-Parasito-logia/Entomologia, Instituto Butantan.)

Fig 27. Calyptra thalictri. (Courtesy of Branden Apitz andJennifer M. Zaspel. All rights reserved.)

Table IV. Caterpillars known to cause ophthalmianodosa

Thaumetopoea pityocampa110

T wilkinsoni139

Euproctis chrysorrhea110

Anthela spp.106

Hemileuca oliviae140

Dendrolimus punctatus141

Ochrogaster lunifer69

Arctia caja120

Spilosoma virginica142



22 Hossler

operating room to remove setae embedded in themucosae.43,112

DIAGNOSIS AND DIFFERENTIALDIAGNOSISKey pointsd History of exposure is key to diagnosisd Symptoms and physical examination find-

ings of caterpillar or moth exposure areoften nonspecific and the differential maybe broad

d Geographic location and season may behelpful

An accurate diagnosis of symptoms caused bycaterpillars or moths is nearly impossible without a

reliable history of exposure. Most symptoms arisingfrom contact with moths and caterpillars are non-specific, and differential diagnosis is broad. Papularurticaria and eczematous dermatitis are caused by ahost of caterpillars and moths (Table III). The differ-ential of papular urticaria include allergies to foods,fragrances and flavorings, medications, metals, plantsubstances, animal dander or products, preservativesand germicidals, and a host of other chemicals.113

Other causes of papular urticaria include dermatitisherpetiformis, folliculitis, autoeczematization, andother arthropod assaults, including scabies. Thedifferential for eczematous dermatitis caused bycaterpillars includes allergic contact dermatitis, irri-tant dermatitis, autoeczematization, dermatomyosi-tis, eczema, lichen planus, lichen simplex chronicus,seborrheic dermatitis, tinea corporis, and transientacantholytic dermatosis (Grover disease).

Processionary caterpillars (genus Thaumetopoea)typically cause urticaria, angioedema, or anaphylaxis.Urticaria is most commonly associated with recentinfection, medication, foods, chemicals, or physicalstimulants. In addition, many other insect bites andstings also cause urticarial papules or wheals.

Once exposure has been documented, a focusedhistory on geographic place of exposure can behelpful. Travel to South America, coupled withexamination findings of hemorrhage or extensivebruising should trigger laboratory investigation forfibrinolysis caused by Lonomia envenomation.Urticarial wheals after travel to the Mediterraneanor Middle East are suggestive of processionary cat-erpillar (Thaumetopoea) exposure. Acute stings fromcaterpillars are generally caused by slug caterpillars(Limacodidae), puss caterpillars (Megalopyge), orcaterpillars of Hemileucinae (including the io andbuck moth caterpillars). Prominent joint symptomsassociated with rash after exposure to caterpillars inChina is suggestive of Dendrolimus exposure.

There are also other clues. Symptoms related tocaterpillar or moth exposure tend to occur onexposed areas. With the exception of the pineprocessionary caterpillar, caterpillar and moth expo-sures occur during the summer months, when in-sects are most prevalent and when people engage inmore outdoor activity. However, exposure to tropi-cal insects, especially during international travel,may occur year round. Acute, unilateral ocularinflammation is suggestive of ophthalmia nodosa,and a history of caterpillar exposure should beelicited.

Laboratory work-up in cases of Lepidoptera ex-posure is useful only in Lonomism. Lonomism ischaracterized by prolonged prothrombin time, acti-vated partial thromboplastin time, and thrombin

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Table V. Treatments for Lepidopteran exposures

Treatment category Treatment Level of evidence

General recommendations Avoidance of heavily infested areas IIIcManual removal and destruction of caterpillars, cocoons, or egg nests IIIcPesticide application IIbTurning off artificial lights IIIcRemoval of setae via forceps or cellophane tape stripping IIcImmediate washing with soap and water IIIcRemoval of constricting clothing or jewelry IIIcLaundering of contaminated clothing IIIc

Medical therapy Ice, topical pramoxine, or other topical anesthetics IIIcTopical aspirin IIbTopical, intralesional, or oral steroids IIIcOral antihistamines IIIcAcetaminophen, oral narcotics, or diazepam IIIcIntravenous calcium gluconate* IIIcNebulized or subcutaneous epinephrine IIIc

Lonomism Antiveniny IIbAntifibrinolyticsz IIIc

Ophthalmia nodosa Removal of setae IIIcTopical or oral steroids IIIcSurgery IIIc

Evidence is graded using a 3-point scale based on the quality of methodology as follows: I, good quality patient-oriented evidence; II, limited

quality patient-oriented evidence; and III, other evidence including consensus guidelines, extrapolations from bench research, opinion, or

case studies. Clinical recommendations are ranked as follows: A, recommendation based on consistent and good quality patient-oriented

evidence; B, recommendation based on inconsistent or limited quality patient-oriented evidence; and C, recommendation based on

consensus, opinion, or case studies.

*For puss caterpillar (Megalopyge opercularis) stings.yFor Lonomia obliqua stings.zFor Lonomia achelous stings.



Hossler 23

time, with characteristic reduction of fibrinogen andnormal platelet level. Fibrinogen level may be amarker of disease activity in Lonomism.11

PATHOLOGYThehistologyof caterpillar exposure isnonspecific,

typically showing epidermal edema, superficial peri-vascular lymphocytic infiltrate, and eosino-phils.16,115,116 Epidermal necrosis and vasculitis arerarely seen.57,117,118 Embedded spines from Hylesiamoths and caterpillars of the browntail moth(Euproctis chrysorrhea) and the puss caterpillar(Megalopyge opercularis) have been de-scribed.58,117,119 Granulomas with or without embed-ded caterpillar hairs have been demonstrated in casesof ophthalmia nodosa.108,110,120 In addition, granulo-mas with embedded setae have been seen in bothdendrolimiasis and pararamose.103-105

TREATMENTKey pointsd Treatments are largely empiric and should

be based on symptomsd The removal of spines or hairs should be


d Topical steroids and oral antihistamineshave been used with mixed success

d Puss caterpillar stings may require opioidanalgesia

d Antivenin should be used for stings causedby L obliqua

See Table V. With the notable exception of Lobliqua envenomation, the treatment of adverseevents from exposures to Lepidoptera remainssymptomatic and supportive. The first line of treat-ment is the avoidance of offensive species. Heavilyinfested areas should be avoided by sensitive per-sons, and caterpillars that bear hairs or spines shouldnot be handled without gloves. For outbreaks orinfestations, the manual removal of egg or caterpillarnests or the use of pesticides may be war-ranted.53,56,64-66,71,79,121-123 Outdoor lighting shouldbe turned off in areas where Hylesia moths maycongregate.53 For those working with Lepidoptera,rearing of caterpillars should be done in a separateroom with adequate ventilation and good sanitation.Protective clothing, such as gloves and face masks,may be needed for the routine handling of insects.124

Once contact with moths or caterpillars occurs,care should be taken not to rub or scratch the area,

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24 Hossler

nor any attempt to remove or ‘‘squash’’ the insectwith a bare hand, because this may further spreadirritating setae or spines. Instead, careful removal ofthe larva with forceps or similar instrument, com-bined with tape stripping of the area and immediatewashing with soap and water, can be effective inminimizing exposure.14,20,64-66,79 Contaminatedclothing should be removed and launderedthoroughly.50,52

Stinging reactions are often mild and may respondto ice application or use of topical anesthetics, suchas pramoxine 1%.26,29 In more severe stings, partic-ularly after stings from puss caterpillars (Megalopygeopercularis), acetaminophen or narcotics may beneeded.28,29,39 Diazepam has been used for musclespasm caused by puss caterpillar envenomation,28

and there are several case reports detailing thesuccessful use of 10% intravenous calcium gluconatefor puss caterpillar stings.29,30,125

Eczematous reactions are typically treated withmid- to high-potency topical steroids.20,85,116,126

However, response to topical steroids is often inef-fective. Topical pramoxine, camphor, or mentholpreparations may be useful in these cases. Urticarialreactionsmaybebest treatedwith antihistamines, andseveral reports document their usefulness.26,73,85,92

However, a number of reports document the failureofantihistamines to relieve itch.6,52,58,127 Strong recom-mendations regarding their use cannot be made;however, topical antihistamines may cause allergiccontact dermatitis and should be avoided. Becausehistamine appears to play a role in the eruptioncaused by many species, topical aspirin may beeffective.128 Oral or intramuscular steroids havebeen useful in some cases20,24,126,127 and ineffectivein others.129 Anaphylaxis is rare, but should be treatedwith subcutaneous epinephrine in a monitored set-ting. Dendrolimiasis has been successfully treatedwith antihistamines and oral analgesia but occasion-ally requires surgical intervention for chondritis orpyarthrosis.102

Ophthalmia nodosa and oral exposure should bemanaged by a qualified specialist. Most authorssuggest immediate irrigation and the removal ofsetae, under sedation if needed.108,130 Topical ste-roids can be used for uveitis or iritis, althoughgranuloma formation may necessitate surgicalremoval.108,130 Asymptomatic hairs deep withinthe eye that cannot easily be extracted may beobserved.108,130 Systemic steroids and antihistamineshave been used in several cases of oral exposure.112

Lonomism should be managed by an experiencedhematologist. An effective antivenin against Lopaphas been produced to counteract the hemorrhagicdiathesis from L obliqua envenomation.131,132 It has

been successful in preventing severe hemorrhage intwo large series of patients,133,134 and is consideredthe cornerstone of current therapy.97 Stings causedby L achelous should be treated with cryoprecipitate,purified fibrinogen, or antifibrinolytic drugs, such asaprotinin and e-aminocaproic acid.97 It should benoted that antifibrinolytics do not work for stingscaused by L obliqua and may exacerbate the clinicalsymptoms.132,135 Whole blood and fresh-frozenplasma may worsen hemorrhagic symptoms in stingsfrom both species and should be avoided.97,135

CONCLUSIONSMoths and their caterpillars may cause dermato-

logic or systemic symptoms in humans. Many reac-tions go unrecognized and may be difficult todiagnose based on their nonspecific symptoms.Dermatitis, urticaria, and localized stings are themost common reactions; however, angioedema, oc-ular and oral symptoms, anaphylaxis, joint involve-ment, and hemorrhage may develop. Most therapiesare empiric and symptom-driven. An effective anti-venin exists for L obliqua envenomation.


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