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AIRPLANEFLIGHTMANUALGULFSTREAM AEROSPACEDOCUMENT NUMBERGAC-AC-GVII-G500-OPS-0001REVISION 5MARCH 3, 2020http://www.gulfstream.comAIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALRECORD OF REVISIONSRevision No: Dated: Inserted By: Date:BASIC ISSUE JULY 20, 2018 Gulfstream JULY 20, 2018REVISION 1 AUGUST 31, 2018 Gulfstream AUGUST 31, 2018REVISION 2 APRIL 10, 2019 Gulfstream APRIL 10, 2019REVISION 3 JULY 16, 2019 Gulfstream JULY 16, 2019REVISION 4 AUGUST 29, 2019 Gulfstream AUGUST 29, 2019REVISION 5 MARCH 3, 2020 Gulfstream MARCH 3, 2020 Gulfstream Aerospace Document NumberGAC-AC-GVII-G500-OPS-0001OWNER INFORMATIONFAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020 RECORD OF REVISIONSREVISION 5Page 1AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALCHAPTER 01 – LIMITATIONSTABLE OF CONTENTSATA SUBJECT PAGE01-00-00 Limitations 101-00-10 Conditions of Operation 101-01-00 Aircrew and Occupants 101-01-10 Minimum Flight Crew 101-01-20 Maximum Number of Occupants 101-02-00 Departure / Arrival Airport 101-02-10 Runway, Slope and Wind Conditions 101-02-20 High Elevation Airport Operations 101-03-00 Performance 101-03-10 Types of Airplane Operations Permitted 101-03-20 Operating Temperature Envelope 1401-03-30 Maximum Operating Altitudes 1601-03-40 Airspeed Limitations 1601-03-50 Flight Load Acceleration 2001-03-60 Weight 2001-03-70 Center of Gravity 2001-03-80 Maximum Fuel Imbalance 2201-03-90 Takeoff / Landing Distance 2201-12-00 Airplane Servicing 101-12-10 Hydraulic Fluid 101-12-20 Engine Fuel Grades 101-12-30 Engine Fuel Additives 301-12-40 Engine and APU Oil Grades 501-12-50 Refueling 601-21-00 Air Conditioning and Bleed Air 101-21-10 Cabin Pressurization Control 101-22-00 Auto Flight 101-22-10 Autothrottle 101-22-20 Autopilot 101-22-30 RADAR Altimeter 101-23-00 Communications 101-23-10 VHF Communication 101-23-20 HF Communication 101-24-00 Electrical Power 101-24-10 Ram Air Turbine 101-27-00 Flight Controls 101-27-10 Normal Control Laws 101-27-20 Degraded Control Laws 1FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020REVISION 5Page 1AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALATA SUBJECT PAGE01-28-00 Fuel 101-28-10 Usable Fuel Capacities 101-28-20 Fuel Pumps 101-28-30 Fuel Tank Temperature 101-29-00 Hydraulics 101-29-10 Hydraulic Servicing 101-30-00 Ice and Rain Protection 101-30-10 Icing General 101-30-20 Wing Anti-Ice 301-30-30 Cowl Anti-Ice 501-30-40 TAT Probe Heat 501-30-50 Anti-Ice and De-Ice Fluids 501-31-00 Indicating / Recording 101-31-10 Electronic Checklist 101-34-00 Navigation 101-34-10 Inertial Reference System 101-34-20 Airborne Weather RADAR 101-34-30 Flight Management System 101-34-40 Takeoff and Landing Data (TOLD) 501-34-50 Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System 501-34-60 Enhanced Flight Vision System 601-34-70 Head Up Display 701-34-80 Terrain Awareness and Warning System 701-34-90 RVSM 701-34-100 Electronic Charts 701-34-110 Enhanced Surveillance Flight Identification 801-34-120 Synthetic Vision-Primary Flight Display 801-34-130 Automatic Direction Finder 801-34-140 Distance Measuring Equipment 801-34-150 VHF, Omnidirectional Range (VOR) 901-34-160 FM Immunity 901-34-170 Standby Flight Display 901-35-00 Oxygen System 101-35-10 Oxygen Departure Pressures 101-35-20 Oxygen Systems 401-36-00 Pneumatics 101-36-10 Pneumatics 101-45-00 Engine Instruments and Crew Alerting System 101-45-10 General EICAS Range Markings Colors 101-45-20 Powerplant EICAS Indications FAA Baseline 101-45-30 Powerplant EICAS Indications ASC 022 201-45-40 Fuel EICAS Indications 3REVISION 5Page 2FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALATA SUBJECT PAGE01-45-50 APU EICAS Indications 401-45-60 Warning Inhibit 401-49-00 Auxiliary Power Unit 101-49-10 APU Operation 101-52-00 Doors 101-52-10 Doors 101-71-00 Powerplant 101-71-10 Engine Operation 101-71-20 Powerplant Wind Operating Envelopes 201-71-30 Airstart Envelope 301-73-00 Engine Fuel and Control Systems 101-73-10 Engine Fuel Temperature 101-78-00 Engine Exhaust 101-78-10 Thrust Reversers 101-79-00 Engine Oil 101-79-10 Oil Temperature 101-79-20 Oil Pressure 101-80-00 Engine Starting 101-80-10 Starter Duty 101-81-00 Data Concentration Network 101-81-10 RDC Operation Limits 1FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020REVISION 5Page 3AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALCHAPTER 02 – NORMAL OPERATIONSTABLE OF CONTENTSATA SUBJECT PAGE02-00-00 General 102-00-10 Airplane Introduction 102-00-20 General Guidance - Normal 102-01-00 Preflight Procedures 102-01-10 Interior Preflight Inspection 102-01-20 Exterior Preflight Inspection 402-02-00 Airplane Power-up 102-02-10 Airplane Power-up 102-02-20 Takeoff Pitch Trim Settings for Flaps 10Degrees602-02-30 Takeoff Pitch Trim Settings for Flaps 20Degrees702-03-00 Engine Starting Procedures 102-03-10 Engine Start 102-04-00 Before Takeoff Procedures 102-04-10 Taxi 102-04-20 Takeoff 302-05-00 In Flight Procedures 102-05-10 Climb 102-05-20 Cruise 102-05-30 Descent 202-05-40 Arrival 302-05-50 Landing 402-05-60 All Engines Operating Go-Around Procedure 502-06-00 After Landing Procedures 102-06-10 After Landing 102-06-20 Electrical Power On Thruflight 102-06-30 Shutdown 302-06-40 Securing Airplane from APU Power 402-06-50 Securing Aircraft for an Extended Period 502-06-60 Quiet Shutdown 602-07-00 Traffic Pattern Procedures 102-07-10 Traffic Pattern 102-08-00 Alternate Normal Procedures 102-08-10 External Air Start 102-08-20 Crossbleed Start 302-08-30 Engine Dry Cranking Cycle 402-08-40 Engine Wet Cranking Cycle 502-08-50 Single Engine Taxi 7FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020REVISION 5Page 1AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALATA SUBJECT PAGE02-08-60 Fuel Balancing in Flight 902-08-70 Wing Anti-ice Operation Above FL450 1002-08-80 APU Restricted Airport Power-up and EngineStart1102-08-90 Enhanced Flight Vision System (EFVS)Operational Procedures1302-08-100 Departure Airport not in FMS Database 2002-08-110 Arrival Airport not in FMS Database 2102-08-120 RNAV and RNP AR Procedures 2202-08-130 High Crosswind Takeoff Procedure 24REVISION 5Page 2FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALCHAPTER 03 – ABNORMAL PROCEDURESTABLE OF CONTENTSATA SUBJECT PAGE03-01-00 Air Conditioning System 103-01-10 Pack Failure - Single 103-01-20 Pack Failure - Dual 203-01-30 Pack Hot - Single 303-01-40 Pack Hot - Dual 503-02-00 Auto Flight 103-02-10 Autopilot Malfunction or Failure 103-02-20 Autothrottle Malfunction 203-03-00 Auxiliary Power Unit 103-03-10 APU Inflight Operation - Alternate ElectricalPower Source103-03-20 APU Generator Failure 203-03-30 APU Shutdown 303-04-00 Electrical Power System 103-04-10 Single Generator Failure 103-04-20 Generator Overload 203-04-30 Left Main AC Bus Fault 203-04-40 Emergency AC Bus Fault or AC Reset or DCReset403-04-50 Battery or Battery Charger Failure 603-04-60 Essential DC Bus on Battery Power 703-04-70 Electric Load Shedding 903-05-00 Engine Control System 103-05-10 FADEC Alternate Control Mode 103-07-00 Engine Operating Parameters 103-07-10 Manual Ice Shedding Procedure 103-07-20 Volcanic Ash Encounter 203-07-30 Uncommanded High Engine Idle in Flight 303-07-40 Engine Vibration in Icing Conditions 403-09-00 Engine Starting System 103-09-10 Start Valve Fail Open on Ground 103-09-20 Start Valve Fail Open in Flight 103-12-00 Flaps System 103-12-10 Zero Flaps or Partial Flaps Landings 103-12-20 Loss of Flap Position Indication 303-13-00 Flight Control Systems 103-13-10 Landing Controllability Check 103-13-20 Uncommanded Airplane Motion 203-13-30 Runaway Pitch Trim 2FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020REVISION 5Page 1AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALATA SUBJECT PAGE03-13-40 Runaway Roll Trim303-13-50 Runaway Yaw Trim 403-13-60 Flight Control Computer Multiple (2 or 3)Channels Fail403-13-70 Left / Right Aileron Failure 603-13-80 Left / Right Elevator Failure 703-13-90 Jammed Flight Control Rudder Pedals 903-13-100 Rudder Failure 1103-13-110 Spoiler Panel Failure 1303-13-120 Stabilizer Failure 1403-13-130 Sidestick - Both Passive 1603-13-140 Sidestick Active / Passive 1803-13-150 FCS Synoptic Legend 2003-14-00 Fuel System 103-14-10 Fuel Pump Failure 103-14-20 Fuel Imbalance - In Flight 203-14-30 Fuel Imbalance - On Ground 303-15-00 Hydraulic System 103-15-10 Left Hydraulic System (LSYS) Failure - Loss ofPressure Only103-15-20 Right Hydraulic System (RSYS) Failure - Loss ofPressure and / or Fluid203-16-00 Indicating / Recording System 103-16-10 Display Units Blanking / Intermittent 103-16-20 Display Unit Failure 203-16-30 Loss of All Display Units 303-16-40 DU Unlatch 303-16-50 Operation with Two or More Air Data SystemsFailed403-16-60 Traffic and Collision Avoidance System Failure 603-16-70 Head Up Display Malfunction 603-16-80 Inertial Reference System Align in Motion 703-16-90 Synthetic Vision - Primary Flight Display Failure 803-16-100 GPS / SBAS Reception Loss During a RNAV(GPS) Approach to LPV Minima903-16-110 Aural Nuisance Tones 1003-16-120 Baro Set Fail - Single 1103-16-130 Baro Set Fail- Dual 1203-16-140 Red X on CAS Display 1303-16-150 TSC Blank or Unresponsive 1303-17-00 Landing Gear Alternate Operation 103-17-10 Landing Gear Failure to Retract 103-17-20 Unsafe Landing Gear Indication / Landing GearFailure to Extend3REVISION 5Page 2FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALATA SUBJECT PAGE03-18-00 Landing Gear System 103-18-10 Uncommanded Applied Brake Pressure 103-18-20 Uncommanded Nosewheel Steering 303-20-00 Overheat / Hot Conditions 103-20-10 Forward Floor Hot and / or TRU Hot 103-20-20 EER Hot / PDB Overheat 203-20-30 MAU / MRC / NAVCOM Overheat 403-21-00 Pressurization Control System 103-21-10 Bleed Air System Failure - Single 103-21-20 Bleed Air System Failure - Dual 203-21-30 Bleed Air Hot - Single 403-21-40 Bleed Air Hot - Dual 603-21-50 Bleed Pressure High - Single 703-21-60 Bleed Pressure High - Dual 903-21-70 Bleed Pressure Low - Single 1003-21-80 Bleed Pressure Low - Dual 1203-21-90 Unpressurized Flight 1303-21-100 CPCS Failure 1403-24-00 Windshield / Door System 103-24-10 Windshield Heat Fail 103-24-20 Windshield Crack or Failed 203-24-30 Cabin Window Cracked 303-25-00 Wing Anti-Ice 103-25-10 Single Wing Anti-ice Fail 103-25-20 Dual Wing Anti-ice Fail 2FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020REVISION 5Page 3AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALCHAPTER 04 – EMERGENCY PROCEDURESTABLE OF CONTENTSATA SUBJECT PAGE04-04-00 Electrical Power System 104-04-10 Dual Generator Failure (Above 37,000 Feet) 104-04-20 Dual Generator Failure (Below 37,000 Feet) 504-04-30 Operation on Aircraft Batteries, EBHA and UPSBatteries Only (RAT Unavailable)804-06-00 Engine Failure 104-06-10 Engine Failure Below V1 104-06-20 Engine Failure Above V1 104-06-30 Dual Engine Failure 404-06-40 Inadvertent Engine Shutdown (One or Both) 804-06-50 Dual Engine Out Landing Procedure 904-06-60 Engine Failure with High Vibrations 1004-06-70 Engine Failure In Flight 1404-08-00 Engine Shutdown / Airstart / Single EngineProcedures104-08-10 Engine Shutdown in Flight 104-08-20 Assisted Airstart 304-08-30 Windmill Airstart 704-08-40 One Engine Inoperative Landing Procedure 904-08-50 One Engine Inoperative Go-Around Procedure 1104-10-00 Fire: Engine / Aircraft Interior 104-10-10 Engine Fire In Flight 104-10-20 Engine Fire On Ground 404-10-30 Engine Core Fire In Flight 504-10-40 Engine Core Fire On Ground 804-10-50 Tailpipe Fire 904-10-60 Airplane Interior Fire / Smoke / Fumes 904-13-00 Flight Control Systems 104-13-10 Jammed Aileron 104-13-20 Jammed Elevator 104-13-30 Jammed Rudder 404-13-40 Jammed Spoiler 704-14-00 Fuel System 104-14-10 Fuel Leak in Flight 104-15-00 Hydraulic System 104-15-10 Dual Hydraulic System Failure - Loss ofPressure and Fluid104-15-20 Left Hydraulic System (L SYS) Failure - Loss ofPressure and Fluid5FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020REVISION 5Page 1AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALATA SUBJECT PAGE04-15-30 Dual Hydraulic System Failure - Loss ofPressure Only1004-16-00 Indicating / Recording System 104-16-10 Primary Flight Display Malfunction 104-16-20 Suspected Erroneous/Unreliable Air Data 204-18-00 Landing Gear System 104-18-10 Braking Using the Parking Brake 104-18-20 Nose Gear Retracted, Both Main Gear Downand Locked204-18-30 One Main Gear and Nose Gear Down andLocked, Opposite Main Gear Retracted404-18-40 One Main Gear Only Down and Locked 504-18-50 Both Main Gear Retracted, Nose Gear Downand Locked704-18-60 All Gear Up Landing Procedure 804-19-00 Landing, Stopping, and Evacuation 104-19-10 Overweight Landing 104-19-20 Ditching 204-19-30 Emergency Escape Routes 504-19-40 Immediate Return for Landing 604-19-50 Emergency Airplane Evacuation 604-19-60 Planned Forced Landing 1004-19-70 Tire Failure on Takeoff 1204-19-80 Rejected Takeoff 1304-21-00 Pressurization Control System 104-21-10 Oxygen System Quantity Shortage 104-21-20 Emergency Descent Procedure 104-21-30 Automatic Emergency Descent Mode 204-21-40 Loss of Automatic Pressurization Control 404-23-00 Thrust Reverser System 104-23-10 Thrust Reverser Unlock or Deploy duringTakeoff or in Flight104-24-00 Windshield / Door System 104-24-10 Main Entrance Door Not Secure 104-25-00 Miscellaneous 104-25-10 Incapacitated Aircrew 1REVISION 5Page 2FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALCHAPTER 05 – PERFORMANCE FAA BASELINETABLE OF CONTENTSATA SUBJECT PAGE05-00-00 Performance 105-00-10 Introduction 105-01-00 General Data 105-01-10 Planning Data 105-01-20 Conversion Charts 905-01-30 Position Error 1805-01-40 Stall Speeds - Idle Power 1805-02-00 Field Length Limited Performance 105-02-10 Takeoff Performance 105-03-00 Climb Limited Performance 105-03-10 Climb Limited Performance 105-04-00 Takeoff Gross Weight Limits due to Tire Speedand Landing Brake Kinetic Energy105-04-10 Takeoff Gross Weight Limits due to Tire Speedand Landing Brake Kinetic Energy105-05-00 Takeoff Speeds 105-05-10 Takeoff Speeds Planning Tables 105-05-20 Takeoff Speeds Planning Tables: Dry / WetRunway: Flaps 20: ECS Bleeds On605-05-30 Takeoff Speeds Planning Tables: Dry / WetRunway: Flaps 20: ECS Bleeds On: CAI On /WAI Off2505-05-40 Takeoff Speeds Planning Tables: Dry / WetRunway: Flaps 20: ECS Bleeds On: CAI On /WAI On4405-05-50 Takeoff Speeds Planning Tables: Dry / WetRunway: Flaps 10: ECS Bleeds On6305-05-60 Takeoff Speeds Planning Tables: Dry / WetRunway: Flaps 10: ECS Bleeds On: CAI On /WAI Off8205-05-70 Takeoff Speeds Planning Tables: Dry / WetRunway: Flaps 10: ECS Bleeds On: CAI On /WAI On10105-05-80 Minimum V1 for Control on the Ground(V1MCG), Flaps 20 and 10, Wet and DryRunway12105-05-90 Maximum V1 for Brake Energy Limits (V1MBE),Flaps 20 and 10, Wet and Dry Runway12305-06-00 Obstacle Clearance Limited Performance 105-06-10 Takeoff Flight Path 1FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020REVISION 5Page 1AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALATA SUBJECT PAGE05-06-20 Final Takeoff Climb 1905-06-30 Obstacle Clearance Using Takeoff and Landing(TOLD) Performance Computer1905-07-00 Enroute Climb 105-07-10 Enroute Climb 105-08-00 Buffet Boundary 105-08-10 Buffet Boundary 105-09-00 Approach Climb 105-09-10 Approach Climb 105-10-00 All Engine Landing Climb 105-10-10 All Engine Landing Climb 105-11-00 Final Approach and Landing 105-11-10 Threshold Speeds 105-11-20 Tire Speed and BKE Limited Maximum LandingWeight705-11-30 Landing Distance 1305-12-00 N1 Engine Tables 105-12-10 Engine N1 RPM Tables 1REVISION 5Page 2FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALCHAPTER 5A – PERFORMANCE (ASC 022)TABLE OF CONTENTSATA SUBJECT PAGE5A-00-00 Performance 15A-00-10 Introduction 15A-01-00 General Data 15A-01-10 Planning Data 15A-01-20 Conversion Charts 95A-01-30 Position Error 185A-01-40 Stall Speeds - Idle Power 185A-02-00 Field Length Limited Performance 15A-02-10 Takeoff Performance 15A-03-00 Climb Limited Performance 15A-03-10 Climb Limited Performance 15A-04-00 Takeoff Gross Weight Limits due to Tire Speedand Landing Brake Kinetic Energy15A-04-10 Takeoff Gross Weight Limits due to Tire Speedand Landing Brake Kinetic Energy15A-05-00 Takeoff Speeds 15A-05-10 Takeoff Speeds Planning Tables 15A-05-20 Takeoff Speeds Planning Tables Dry / WetRunway: Flaps 20: ECS Bleeds On65A-05-30 Takeoff Speeds Planning Tables Dry / WetRunway: Flaps 20: ECS Bleeds On: CAI On /WAI Off255A-05-40 Takeoff Speeds Planning Tables Dry / WetRunway: Flaps 20: ECS Bleeds On: CAI On /WAI On445A-05-50 Takeoff Speeds Planning Tables Dry / WetRunway: Flaps 10: ECS Bleeds On635A-05-60 Takeoff Speeds Planning Tables Dry / WetRunway: Flaps 10: ECS Bleeds On: CAI On /WAI Off825A-05-70 Takeoff Speeds Planning Tables Dry / WetRunway Flaps 10: ECS Bleeds On: CAI On /WAI On1015A-05-80 Minimum V1 for Control on the Ground(V1MCG), Flaps 20 and 10, Wet and DryRunway1215A-05-90 Maximum V1 for Brake Energy Limits (V1MBE),Flaps 20 and 10, Wet and Dry Runway1225A-06-00 Obstacle Clearance Limited Performance 15A-06-10 Takeoff Flight Path 1FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020REVISION 5Page 1AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALATA SUBJECT PAGE5A-06-20 Final Takeoff Climb 195A-06-30 Obstacle Clearance Using Takeoff and Landing(TOLD) Performance Computer195A-07-00 Enroute Climb 15A-07-10 Enroute Climb 15A-08-00 Buffet Boundary 15A-08-10 Buffett Boundary 15A-09-00 Approach Climb 15A-09-10 Approach Climb 15A-10-00 All Engine Landing Climb 15A-10-10 All Engine Landing Climb 15A-11-00 Final Approach and Landing 15A-11-10 Threshold Speeds 15A-11-20 Tire Speed and BKE Limited Maximum LandingWeight75A-11-30 Landing Distance 135A-12-00 N1 Engine Tables 15A-12-10 Engine N1 Tables 15A-12-20 Engine N1 Tables: N1C to Physical N1Conversion Table25A-12-30 Engine N1 Tables: N1% Setting for MTO 45A-12-40 Engine N1 Tables: N1% Setting for Go-AroundThrust115A-12-50 Engine N1 Tables: N1% Setting for MCT, ECS,2 Packs165A-12-60 Engine N1 Tables: N1% Setting for MCT, ECS,1 Pack285A-12-70 Engine N1 Tables: N1% Setting for MCT, CAI, 2Packs405A-12-80 Engine N1 Tables: N1% Setting for MCT, CAI, 1Pack525A-12-90 Engine N1 Tables: N1% Setting for MCT, CAILocked Open, 2 Packs645A-12-100 Engine N1 Tables: N1% Setting for MCT, CAILocked Open, 1 Pack765A-12-110 Engine N1 Tables: N1% Setting for MCT, CAION, WAI ON885A-12-120 Engine N1 Tables: N1% Setting for MCT, CAILocked Open, WAI ON100REVISION 5Page 2FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALDeparture / Arrival Airport01-02-10: Runway, Slope and Wind Conditions1. Runway Conditionsa. A runway is wet when more than 25 percent of the runway surface area(within the reported length and the width being used) is covered by anyvisible dampness or water that is ⅛ inch (3 mm) or less in depth. A damprunway that meets this definition is considered wet, regardless of whetheror not the surface appears reflective.b. A runway is considered contaminated when more than 25 percent of therunway surface area (within the reported length and the width being used)is covered by any frost, ice, snow, slush, or greater than 3mm of standingwater.2. Maximum Slopes Approved for Takeoff and Landing Operationsa. +2% (uphill)b. -2% (downhill)3. Wind Conditionsa. Maximum tailwind component approved for takeoff and landing: 10 knotsb. When operating in a flight control law mode other than normal (i.e.,alternate, direct or backup), maximum crosswind component for landing:10 knotsc. Maximum tailwind component for landing with flaps 10° or less is zeroknots.d. The maximum crosswind component for landing (including gusts) is 22knots.4. Takeoff Crosswind Limitsa. Static Takeoff - 30 knots.NOTEFor crosswinds above 30 knots, refer to 02-08-130, HighCrosswind Takeoff Procedure.5. Surface Typea. Smooth and / or grooved, hard-surfaced runways are approved.01-02-20: High Elevation Airport Operations1. Maximum Approved Airport Pressure Altitude for Takeoff or LandingFAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020Departure / Arrival Airport01-02-00REVISION 5Page 1AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL01-03-30: Maximum Operating Altitudes1. Maximum Operating Altitudea. 51,000 feet2. Maximum Operating Altitude with a Single Air Conditioning PackOperatinga. 48,000 feet3. Maximum Operating Altitude with Interior Baggage Compartment DoorOpena. 40,000 feet4. Maximum Operating Altitude with Jammed Rudder, Rudder Failure, or YawDamper Failurea. 35,000 feet5. Maximum Operating Altitude For Extension/Flight with Flaps 10° or 20°a. 25,000 feet6. Maximum Operating Altitude for For Extension/Flight Landing GearExtendeda. 20,000 feet7. Maximum Operating Altitude For Extension/Flight with Flaps Downa. 20,000 feet01-03-40: Airspeed Limitations1. Minimum Control Speed Air (VMCA)a. Flaps 10° – 120 KCASb. Flaps 20° – 112 KCASc. VMCL – 109 KCAS2. Minimum Control Speed Ground (VMCG)a. 111 KCAS3. Maneuvering Speed (VA)a. Full application of pitch, roll or yaw controls should be confined to speedsbelow 206 KCAS.REVISION 5Page 16Performance01-03-00FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALNOTERapid and large alternating control inputs, especially incombination with large changes in pitch, roll, or yaw, and fullcontrol inputs in more than one axis at the same time, should beavoided as they may result in structural failures at any speed,including below the maneuvering speed.4. Flaps Extended Speed (VFE)a. 10° – 250 KCASb. 20° – 220 KCASc. Flaps Down – 180 KCAS5. Maximum Landing Gear Extended Speed (VLE)a. Maximum Landing Gear Extended Speed (VLE) is the maximum speed atwhich the airplane can be safely flown with the landing gear extended.b. Do not exceed 250 KCAS with landing gear extended.6. Maximum Landing Gear Operation Speeds (VLO)a. Maximum Landing Gear Operating Speed (VLO) is the maximum speed atwhich it is safe to extend or retract the landing gear.b. Do not extend or retract the landing gear above 225 KCAS.7. Emergency Landing Gear Extensiona. Emergency Landing Gear Extension utilizes alternate means to extend tothe landing gear. Do not lower landing gear using the alternate systemabove 175 KCAS.b. With the landing gear extended utilizing the alternate system, do notexceed 225 KCAS.8. Maximum Operating Limit Speed (VMO / MMO)a. Maximum operating limit speed shall not be deliberately exceeded in anyregime of flight (climb, cruise or descent). See Figure 2. Altitude/MachFlight Envelope.9. Maximum Airspeed with Yaw Damper Failurea. 285 KCAS / 0.90M10. Turbulence Penetration Speeda. At or above 10,000 feet: 270 KCAS / 0.85M, whichever is less.b. Less than 10,000 feet: 240 KCAS.11. Maximum Tire Groundspeed:FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020Performance01-03-00REVISION 5Page 17AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALa. 195 knots12. Degraded Flight Control Law Modea. When operating in a flight control law mode other than normal (i.e.,alternate, direct or backup), do not exceed 285 KCAS / 0.90M maximum.13. Flight Control Surface Failure or Jammed Conditiona. If any primary flight control surface or spoiler panel is failed, caused byeither a component malfunction(s) or a hydraulic system failure, do notexceed 285 KCAS / 0.90M maximum.14. The GuidancePanel SPEED selector must be set to IAS mode (not Mach) withthe flaps or landing gear extended.15. Approach Speeda. Approach speed for normal approaches (Flaps 39) is VREF + half the steadystate wind plus the gust increment up to a maximum additive of 20 knots.b. Minimum approach speed is VREF + 5 knotsc. Approach Speed shall be maintained to the runway threshold and shallbe used to determine landing performance except for abnormal flapapproaches. Abnormal flap approaches must comply with the proceduresin section 03-12-10, Zero Flaps or Partial Flaps Landings.REVISION 5Page 18Performance01-03-00FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALFlight Controls01-27-10: Normal Control Laws1. Continued flight at or above stick shaker activation AOA is prohibited.WARNINGRAPID AND LARGE ALTERNATING PITCH CONTROLINPUTS, SUCH AS AN ABRUPT PULL-PUSH-PULL, MAYREDUCE THE AIRPLANE RESPONSE TO SUBSEQUENTCONTROL INPUTS TO LESS THAN WHAT MAY BEREQUIRED FOR NORMAL AIRPLANE HANDLING.NOTEAOA limiting may occur without stick shaker activation ordisplay of FCC AOA Limiting (advisory) CAS message below400 ft.01-27-20: Degraded Control Laws1. When operating in a flight control law mode other than normal (Alternate, Direct,or Backup), do not exceed 285 KCAS / .90M.2. Flight into known icing conditions is prohibited when operating in a flight controllaw mode other than normal (Alternate, Direct or Backup). If the flight controllaw mode degrades from normal while in icing conditions, exit icing conditionsas soon as possible.NOTEThe AOA limiting / stall protection system is only available inthe normal flight control mode. Stick shaker/stall warning isprovided in Alternate mode at 0.85 AOA.3. Intentional degradation from normal mode or disabling of any flight controlsystem is prohibited.4. Takeoff is prohibited when operating in a flight control law mode other thannormal (Alternate, Direct, or Backup).FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020Flight Controls01-27-00REVISION 5Page 1AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALa. Interoperability requirements for ATS applications using ARINC 622 DataCommunications (FANS 1/A Interoperability Standard) comply with RTCADO-258A.b. AFN, ADS-C and CPDLC are approved for oceanic and remote operationwithin the NAT and in areas outside of the NAT. The proper datalinkcapability must be noted on the filed ICAO flight plan: - block 10 shouldinclude “J” and “/D” and block 18 should include “DAT / SV”.c. For operations using the NAT Strategic Lateral Offset Procedures (SLOP),the entry of a right 1 or 2 NM offset has a negligible effect on the FMSpredictions at the next and next +1 waypoint. For larger than 2 NM offset,e.g. for a weather deviation, the FMS prediction assumes that the airplanewill return to the original flight plan prior to the next waypoint. If this is notthe case, the crew should advise ATC that the FMS predictions are to theoriginal path and not to the offset path.01-34-40: Takeoff and Landing Data (TOLD)1. Use of autothrottle is prohibited for takeoff, if FLEX is the selected ThrustModeNOTEThe FLEX Thrust Mode is annotated by a magenta “FLEX”displayed above the N1 indication on the primary enginedisplay.2. If the FMS TOLD database is not installed, takeoff and landing performancecalculations shall be accomplished by reference to performance data in AFMChapter 5.3. TOLD calculations shall be checked for reasonableness against performancedata in AFM Chapter 5.4. An airplane equipped with ASC 001 (TOLD) is prohibited from using TOLDif ASC 022 (EEC is installed.5. The approach speed additive shall be entered into TOLD to calculate runwaylanding distance. Maximum landing weight shall be calculated by utilizing theapproach speed additive in 05-11-20, Tire Speed and BKE Limited MaximumLanding Weight or 5A-11-20, Tire Speed and BKE Limited Maximum LandingWeight.01-34-50: Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System1. Single Engine Inoperative and TCASFAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020Navigation01-34-00REVISION 5Page 5AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUAL5. Flight Observer Seat Position Check6. Interior Doors Verify OpenEND02-05-50: LandingNOTEWhen approach guidance is established on final approach, asubsequent deviation may not recapture in a timely mannerunless the approach button is rearmed.1. SEAT BELT / NO SMOKEPASSENGER WARNINGONCAUTIONTHE SPEED BRAKE HANDLE MUST BE FULLY SEATEDIN THE RETRACT DETENT TO PREVENT INADVERTENTEXTENSION.2. LANDING GEAR / Lights DOWN / 3 greenWARNINGFLAPS MUST BE SET AND EXTENDED TO 20° PRIOR TOSELECTION OF FLAPS TO DOWN.3. FLAPS DOWNContinued on next page →REVISION 5Page 4In Flight Procedures02-05-00FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALWARNINGAPPROACH SPEED IS VREF + 5 KNOTS; HOWEVER, INSTRONG WIND CONDITIONS, ADD TO VREF 1/2 OF THESTEADY STATE WIND PLUS THE GUST INCREMENTTO A MAXIMUM ADDITIVE OF 20 KNOTS. APPROACHSPEED, INCLUDING ANY GUST ADDITIVE SHALL BEMAINTAINED TO THE THRESHOLD AND SHALL BE USEDTO DETERMINE LANDING DISTANCE.4. Approach / Landing Airspeeds VerifyCAUTIONAFTER TOUCHDOWN, PEDAL STEERING AND / ORRUDDER AERODYNAMIC CONTROL SHOULD BE USEDTO MAINTAIN DIRECTIONAL CONTROL. DIFFERENTIALBRAKING SHOULD AUGMENT PEDAL STEERING ASRUDDER EFFECTIVENESS DECREASES (IF REQUIRED).CONSIDER LIMITING T/R USE IF LANDING SURFACE ISDEGRADED OR CONTAMINATED TO PREVENT AIRCRAFTDAMAGE.END02-05-60: All Engines Operating Go-Around ProcedureCAUTIONDO NOT ATTEMPT A GO-AROUND WITH LESS THAN 650LBS OF FUEL INDICATED IN EITHER FUEL TANK.1. TO / GA PRESS2. Throttles Increase to Go-around Power3. FLAPS 20°Continued on next page →FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020In Flight Procedures02-05-00REVISION 5Page 5AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALFlaps System03-12-10: Zero Flaps or Partial Flaps LandingsDISPLAYED CAS AND CA MESSAGESFlap Asymmetry (caution)Flap Command Invalid (U) (caution)Flaps Failed (U) (caution)System Impacts• Autothrottle: Use of Autothrottle is prohibited during approach and landing withflaps 10° or less.• Landing: Maximum tailwind component for landing with flaps 10° or less iszero knots.• Landing Distance: Zero or partial flap landings will result in increased landingdistance required.Corrective Action1. Airplane Plan a wide approach and select thelongest available runway2. Approach Winds Plan landing runway and approachthat maximize headwinds duringapproach and landing3. Approach Plan shallow approach (if possible)4. Prior to FAF:a. WAI ONb. Wing Temperature Verify above 100°Fc. AT Auto-Engage Inhibit (TSC/Systems/AT Control)Selectd. GPWS FLAP INHIBIT (TSC/AuralInhibits/TAWS Control)SelectContinued on next page →FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020Flaps System03-12-00REVISION 5Page 1AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALe. Airspeed 200 KCAS minimum (until ready toconfigure)5. If WAI unavailable:a. Flaps 0 VREF Increase by a factor of 1.2b. Flaps 0 Landing Distance Increase by a factor of 1.5CAUTIONLANDING WITH BRAKE ENERGY EXCEEDING 110.90 MFPMAY RESULT IN BRAKE FAILURE AND FIRE AFTERLANDING. CONSIDERATION SHOULD BE GIVEN TO ANALTERNATE LANDING LOCATION.c. Refer to 05-11-20, Tire Speed and BKE Limited Maximum LandingWeight.6. Landing Distance Calculate7. LANDING GEAR DOWN8. Landing Checklist Complete9. Autothrottle DISCONNECT (Flaps 10° or less)10. Airspeed Establish VREF + 5 prior to FAF11. LandingContinued on next page →REVISION 5Page 2Flaps System03-12-00FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALCAUTIONWHEN LANDING WITH PARTIAL FLAPS, A REDUCEDFLARE IS REQUIRED. IT MAY BE NECESSARY TO APPLYA SLIGHT FORWARD PRESSURE ON THE SIDESTICK TOPUT THE NOSE WHEEL ON THE RUNWAY.WHEEL FUSE PLUG RELEASE WILL LIKELY OCCUR DUETO ADDED LANDING SPEED UNDER COMBINATIONS OFHIGH FIELD ELEVATION, NEAR MAX LANDING WEIGHT,AND HIGH OAT. CONSIDERATION SHOULD BE GIVENTO ALERTING EMERGENCY RESPONSE CREWS DUE TOTHE ELEVATED RISK OF BRAKEFIRE AND FUSE PLUGRELEASE.a. Maximum TouchdownGroundspeed195 knotsb. Airspeed Establish VREF at the RunwayThresholdc. Thrust Reversers Apply maximum12. If a go around is required:a. Airspeed Execute initial climb at VREFEND03-12-20: Loss of Flap Position IndicationSystem Impacts• Stall Protection: Not available.• Landing Gear Warning: Not available.Corrective Action1. Flap Position Visually IdentifyContinued on next page →FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020Flaps System03-12-00REVISION 5Page 3AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALCAUTIONWAI MUST BE ACTIVATED AND HAVE REACHED ANOPERATING TEMPERATURE GREATER THAN 100°FPRIOR TO ENTRY INTO ICING CONDITIONS.(3) WAI On(4) ECS System Monitor(5) Refer to 02-08-60, Fuel Balancing in Flight.h. If hydraulic pressure fails to indicate after restart:NOTEHydraulic pressurization indications may be delayed between30 seconds and 5.5 minutes after a successful airstart. Theprocedures below will minimize the delay.(1) Throttle (Affected Engine) Increase above Idle(2) Altitude Descend below 15,000 feetEND04-08-40: One Engine Inoperative Landing ProcedureSystem Impacts• Autothrottle: Prohibited during single engine approach.• Hydraulic Systems: Operation of speed brakes, flaps, landing gear, thrustreversers and brakes should occur as separate events, not simultaneously.• WAI: Wing Anti-Ice operations with a single bleed source is restricted to singleECS pack operations.Corrective Action1. If Wing Anti-Ice is required:Continued on next page →FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020Engine Shutdown / Airstart /Single Engine Procedures04-08-00REVISION 5Page 9AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALa. ECS Pack (Affected Engine) OFFb. Isolation Valve Closed (Out)CAUTIONWAI MUST BE ACTIVATED AND REACH AN OPERATINGTEMPERATURE GREATER THAN 100°F PRIOR TO ENTRYINTO ICING CONDITIONS.c. WAI ON2. If the left engine has failed:a. PTU Armed / Onb. Aux Pump Armed / Off3. Fuel Balance Monitor and MaintainRefer to 02-08-60, Fuel Balancing in Flight.4. FLAPS 20°5. LANDING GEAR / Lights DOWN / 3 green6. Hydraulics / Brake Accumulators Check / 3000 PSI7. SEAT BELT / NO SMOKEPASSENGER WARNINGON8. Final Approach Fixa. Autothrottles Disconnectb. FLAPS DOWNContinued on next page →REVISION 5Page 10Engine Shutdown / Airstart /Single Engine Procedures04-08-00FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALWARNINGAPPROACH SPEED IS VREF + 5 KNOTS; HOWEVER, INSTRONG WIND CONDITIONS, ADD TO VREF 1/2 OF THESTEADY STATE WIND PLUS THE GUST INCREMENTTO A MAXIMUM ADDITIVE OF 20 KNOTS. APPROACHSPEED, INCLUDING ANY GUST ADDITIVE SHALL BEMAINTAINED TO THE THRESHOLD AND SHALL BE USEDTO DETERMINE LANDING DISTANCE.c. Approach/Landing Airspeeds Verify9. Landinga. Operating Thrust Reverser As required10. If Go-around required:a. Refer to 04-08-50, One Engine Inoperative Go-Around Procedure11. If airplane evacuation is necessary:a. Refer to 04-19-50, Emergency Airplane Evacuation.END04-08-50: One Engine Inoperative Go-Around ProcedureCorrective Action1. Autopilot Disconnect2. TOGA PRESS3. Throttle (Operating Engine) Go-around power4. FLAPS 20°Continued on next page →FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020Engine Shutdown / Airstart /Single Engine Procedures04-08-00REVISION 5Page 11AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALFinal Approach and Landing05-11-10: Threshold Speeds1 IntroductionThreshold speeds, VREF, for landing distance are shown for normal flap setting 39°in Figure 1. Threshold Speed for Landing Distance, Flaps 39°, Wing Anti-Ice OFFAnd ON for Wing Anti-Ice OFF and ON operations. Abnormal flap settings 20°and 10° threshold speeds for Wing Anti-Ice OFF and ON conditions are shown inFigure 2. Threshold Speed for Landing Distance, Flaps 20°, Wing Anti-Ice OFFAnd ON and Figure 3. Threshold Speed for Landing Distance, Flaps 10°, WingAnti-Ice OFF And ON. For the abnormal flap setting 0°, threshold speeds shownin Figure 4. Threshold Speed for Landing Distance, Flaps 0°, Wing Anti-Ice ONare effective for Wing Anti-Ice ON operations.Final approach speeds are computed as the landing threshold speed plusappropriate speed margins. The final approach speed margin above the intendedthreshold speed must not be greater than that which can be bled off before thepoint of crossing the runway threshold.Normally, landings will be conducted only at the landing flap setting of 39°.Additional charts are provided for reduced flap settings to be used when anabnormal landing at a reduced flap setting is required. The landing thresholdspeeds shown are effective throughout the certified weight, temperature andaltitude range of the airplane.FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020Final Approach and Landing05-11-00REVISION 5Page 1AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALWARNINGAPPROACH SPEED IS VREF + 5 KNOTS; HOWEVER, INSTRONG WIND CONDITIONS, ADD TO VREF 1/2 OF THESTEADY STATE WIND PLUS THE GUST INCREMENTTO A MAXIMUM ADDITIVE OF 20 KNOTS. APPROACHSPEED, INCLUDING ANY GUST ADDITIVE SHALL BEMAINTAINED TO THE THRESHOLD AND SHALL BE USEDTO DETERMINE LANDING DISTANCE.CAUTIONTIRESPEED LIMITATIONS WILL BE EXCEEDED IFTOUCHDOWN IS MADE IN EXCESS OF 195 KNOTSGROUNDSPEED.NOTEIf winds are reported 270/10G20, the VREF additive is calculatedutilizing 5 knots (half of the steady state) plus 10 knots (for thegust increment). The total VREF additive is 5+10=15 knots.Landing distance in 05-11-30, Landing Distance and maximumlanding weight 05-11-20, Tire Speed and BKE LimitedMaximum Landing Weight shall be calculated utilizing plannedspeed at the threshold.2 ExampleDetermine the final approach and threshold speeds for landing at a normal flap(39°) setting.Given:• Landing Gross Weight = 58,000 pounds (26,308 kg)• Airport Pressure Altitude = 2000 feetSolution:• Threshold Speed (VREF) = 125 KIAS• Final Approach Speed (VREF +5 KIAS) = 130 KIASREVISION 5Page 2Final Approach and Landing05-11-00FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALFigure1. Threshold Speed for Landing Distance,Flaps 39°, Wing Anti-Ice OFF And ONFAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020Final Approach and Landing05-11-00REVISION 5Page 3AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALFigure2. Threshold Speed for Landing Distance,Flaps 20°, Wing Anti-Ice OFF And ONREVISION 5Page 4Final Approach and Landing05-11-00FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALFigure3. Threshold Speed for Landing Distance,Flaps 10°, Wing Anti-Ice OFF And ONFAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020Final Approach and Landing05-11-00REVISION 5Page 5AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALFigure4. Threshold Speed for Landing Distance, Flaps 0°, Wing Anti-Ice ONREVISION 5Page 6Final Approach and Landing05-11-00FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALFinal Approach and Landing5A-11-10: Threshold SpeedsIntroductionThreshold speeds, VREF, for landing distance are shown for normal flap setting 39°in Figure 1. Threshold Speed for Landing Distance, Flaps 39°, Wing Anti-Ice OFFAnd ON for Wing Anti-Ice OFF and ON operations. Abnormal flap settings 20°and 10° threshold speeds for Wing Anti-Ice OFF and ON conditions are shown inFigure 2. Threshold Speed for Landing Distance, Flaps 20°, Wing Anti-Ice OFFAnd ON and Figure 3. Threshold Speed for Landing Distance, Flaps 10°, WingAnti-Ice OFF And ON. For the abnormal flap setting 0°, threshold speeds shownin Figure 4. Threshold Speed for Landing Distance, Flaps 0°, Wing Anti-Ice ONare effective for Wing Anti-Ice ON operations.Final approach speeds are computed as the landing threshold speed plusappropriate speed margins. The final approach speed margin above the intendedthreshold speed must not be greater than that which can be bled off before thepoint of crossing the runway threshold.Normally, landings will be conducted only at the landing flap setting of 39°.Additional charts are providedfor reduced flap settings to be used when anabnormal landing at a reduced flap setting is required. The landing thresholdspeeds shown are effective throughout the certified weight, temperature andaltitude range of the airplane.FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020Final Approach and Landing5A-11-00REVISION 5Page 1AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALWARNINGAPPROACH SPEED IS VREF + 5 KNOTS; HOWEVER, INSTRONG WIND CONDITIONS, ADD TO VREF 1/2 OF THESTEADY STATE WIND PLUS THE GUST INCREMENT TO AMAXIMUM ADDITIVE OF 20 KNOTS. APPROACH SPEED,INCLUDING ANY GUST ADDITIVE SHALL BE MAINTAINEDTO THE THRESHOLD.CAUTIONTIRESPEED LIMITATIONS WILL BE EXCEEDED IFTOUCHDOWN IS MADE IN EXCESS OF 195 KNOTSGROUNDSPEED.NOTEIf winds are reported 270/10G20, the VREF additive is calculatedutilizing 5 knots (half of the steady state) plus 10 knots (for thegust increment). The total VREF additive is 5+10=15 knots.Landing distance in 5A-11-30, Landing Distance and maximumlanding weight 5A-11-20, Tire Speed and BKE LimitedMaximum Landing Weight shall be calculated utilizing plannedspeed at the threshold.ExampleDetermine the final approach and threshold speeds for landing at a normal flap(39°) setting.Given:• Landing Gross Weight = 58,000 pounds (26,308 kg)• Airport Pressure Altitude = 2000 feetSolution:• Threshold Speed (VREF) = 125 KIAS• Final Approach Speed (VREF +5 KIAS) = 130 KIASREVISION 5Page 2Final Approach and Landing5A-11-00FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALFigure1. Threshold Speed for Landing Distance,Flaps 39°, Wing Anti-Ice OFF And ONFAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020Final Approach and Landing5A-11-00REVISION 5Page 3AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALFigure2. Threshold Speed for Landing Distance,Flaps 20°, Wing Anti-Ice OFF And ONREVISION 5Page 4Final Approach and Landing5A-11-00FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALFigure3. Threshold Speed for Landing Distance,Flaps 10°, Wing Anti-Ice OFF And ONFAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020Final Approach and Landing5A-11-00REVISION 5Page 5AIRPLANE FLIGHT MANUALFigure4. Threshold Speed for Landing Distance, Flaps 0°, Wing Anti-Ice ONREVISION 5Page 6Final Approach and Landing5A-11-00FAA APPROVEDMARCH03,2020
- Desempenho em Mecânica dos Fluidos
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- Divulgação do Número de Vagas e Perfil de Candidato
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- Processo de Matrícula 2025
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- Atividade de Aprendizagem 01
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- Edital n298-VRG-SecExec -2024 - Seletivo Bolsa Desempenho Univali EaD - 1 Trimestre
- Qual deve ser a profundidade que um corpo deve atingir em um líquido de densidade igual a 1500, para que atue sobre ele uma pressão de 2 atm? Consi...
- Determinado cilindro possui área de seção reta cujo módulo é igual ao quadrado de 1/5 de sua altura. Se sua altura vale 4,5 m e em sua seção reta a...
- Qual deve ser a profundidade que um corpo deve atingir em um líquido de densidade igual a 1500 kg/m³, para que atue sobre ele uma pressão de 2 atm?...
- No encanamento de uma residência, o cano ligado à caixa d'água possui 3/4" de diâmetro, todavia, o cano ligado à mangueira do jardim possui 1/2". S...
- Assinale a opção em que a pressão está expressa em função do volume do material que sofre ação de uma força resultante:P = da/V SP = dV/a SP = V...
- Em uma mangueira, há uma diferença de altura entre as regiões 2 e 1 de 1,9 metros. A velocidade de entrada do líquido (na região 1) é de 5,5 m/s e ...
- nao ficou claro a resposta. Escreva de um jeito melhor
- Considere aFigura3.27. Dada a altura L que a água sobe no manômetro com extremidade aberta para a atmosfera, determine o nível/;máximo que a água d...
- Usinagem é o processo de fabricação que consiste em retirar metal de uma superfície por meio de uma ferramenta e vai desde a fabricação de peças pa...
- Os pontos A (2,2), B (1,-3) e C (-4,2), encontram-se, respectivamente, nos seguintes quadrantes do plano cartesian
- UP Ponios Na equação da continuidade na forma diferencial, considera-se que um jato de fluido simétrico, em relação a um eixo, é dirigido contra um...
- Dada a equaçao de Euler, considera-se que no fluido ideal a viscosidade é nula. Essa equação recebeu o nome em hon Leonhard Euler, que a deduziu di...
- Obedecendo a equação dos gases, analise que em uma tubulação escoa hidrogênio (k = 1,4, R = 4.122 m²/s²K), dada a seção (1) p₁ = 3 x 105 N/m² (abs)...
- Sobre o surgimento do conceito dedemocracia assinale a alternativa correta
- Marque a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta de V para verdadeiro e F para falso. Sobre as grandezas elétricas é correto afirmas que: ( ...
Perguntas dessa disciplina
- Desempenho em Mecânica dos Fluidos
- POD 1
- Divulgação do Número de Vagas e Perfil de Candidato
- Unidade 1
- Processo de Matrícula 2025
- ilide info-questionario-aula-03-pr_885d4ad954a83340a813080622bd7671
- ilide info-mecanica-dos-fluidos-atividade-pr_b98e3041e33b3c22130caac764a72cf9
- ilide info-mecanica-dos-fluidos-atividade-de-aprendizagem-02-pr_bcfe1b03b1f720acec2885585def571f
- Atividade de Aprendizagem 01
- ilide
- Edital n298-VRG-SecExec -2024 - Seletivo Bolsa Desempenho Univali EaD - 1 Trimestre
- Qual deve ser a profundidade que um corpo deve atingir em um líquido de densidade igual a 1500, para que atue sobre ele uma pressão de 2 atm? Consi...
- Determinado cilindro possui área de seção reta cujo módulo é igual ao quadrado de 1/5 de sua altura. Se sua altura vale 4,5 m e em sua seção reta a...
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- No encanamento de uma residência, o cano ligado à caixa d'água possui 3/4" de diâmetro, todavia, o cano ligado à mangueira do jardim possui 1/2". S...
- Assinale a opção em que a pressão está expressa em função do volume do material que sofre ação de uma força resultante:P = da/V SP = dV/a SP = V...
- Em uma mangueira, há uma diferença de altura entre as regiões 2 e 1 de 1,9 metros. A velocidade de entrada do líquido (na região 1) é de 5,5 m/s e ...
- nao ficou claro a resposta. Escreva de um jeito melhor
- Considere aFigura3.27. Dada a altura L que a água sobe no manômetro com extremidade aberta para a atmosfera, determine o nível/;máximo que a água d...
- Usinagem é o processo de fabricação que consiste em retirar metal de uma superfície por meio de uma ferramenta e vai desde a fabricação de peças pa...
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- UP Ponios Na equação da continuidade na forma diferencial, considera-se que um jato de fluido simétrico, em relação a um eixo, é dirigido contra um...
- Dada a equaçao de Euler, considera-se que no fluido ideal a viscosidade é nula. Essa equação recebeu o nome em hon Leonhard Euler, que a deduziu di...
- Obedecendo a equação dos gases, analise que em uma tubulação escoa hidrogênio (k = 1,4, R = 4.122 m²/s²K), dada a seção (1) p₁ = 3 x 105 N/m² (abs)...
- Sobre o surgimento do conceito dedemocracia assinale a alternativa correta
- Marque a alternativa que apresenta a sequência correta de V para verdadeiro e F para falso. Sobre as grandezas elétricas é correto afirmas que: ( ...