Funko Pop! Rocks AC/DC Angus Young 411 (2024)

Funko Pop! Rocks AC/DC Angus Young 411 (1)

  • Lista de Desejos
  • Início
  • AC/DC

Código: S69BJG8PF Marca: Funko

R$ 289,90

R$ 189,90

até 10x de R$ 18,99 sem juros

ou R$ 170,91 via Pix

Comprar Estoque: 45 dias úteis

  • Parcelas

    • 1x de R$ 189,90 sem juros
    • 2x de R$ 94,95 sem juros
    • 3x de R$ 63,30 sem juros
    • 4x de R$ 47,47 sem juros
    • 5x de R$ 37,98 sem juros
    • 6x de R$ 31,65 sem juros
    • 7x de R$ 27,12 sem juros
    • 8x de R$ 23,73 sem juros
    • 9x de R$ 21,10 sem juros
    • 10x de R$ 18,99 sem juros
  • R$ 170,91 Funko Pop! Rocks AC/DC Angus Young 411 (3)

* Este prazo de entrega está considerando a disponibilidade do produto + prazo de entrega.

Funko Pop! Rocks AC/DC Angus Young 411 Original Colecionavel

Adicione um toque de nostalgia às suas coleções com este Funko Pop!Todos os nossos produtos são originais, importados e devidamente licenciados.Aqui, você pode colecionar seus personagens favoritos com a certeza de que está adquirindo um produto genuíno. Conte com a nossa loja para levar para casa apenas o melhor em colecionáveis!

Características do Produto

• Fabricante: Funko.

• 10 cm de altura.

•Não possui articulação.

• Fabricado em vinil de alta qualidade.

Conteúdo da Caixa

• Um personagem colecionável, podendo conter base de apoio ou acessórios adicionais.


ATENÇÃO: Este item está isento de exigência de certificação compulsória pelo INMETRO conforme item 2 da parte um (obj.) da norma NM 300-01/2002 e regulamento técnico Mercosul anexo à portaria INMETRO n° 108 de 13 de junho 2005.

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até 10x de R$ 18,99 sem juros

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Funko Pop! Rocks AC/DC Angus Young 411 (2024)


What is the 1st Funko Pop? ›

The first type of collectible Funko made was called Wacky Wobblers. These are figures a bit like Pops, except they're leaner and have bobbleheads. The first of their kind was a Big Boy Bobblehead. The company has come a long way since then.

What is the most rare Rick and Morty Funko Pop? ›

The crown for the rarest Rick and Morty Funko Pop usually goes to the 'Buff Rick and Buff Summer' 2-pack from the 2017 San Diego Comic-Con exclusive with only 1000 pieces released.

How can you tell if a Funko Pop is rare? ›

Rare Funko Pops usually have a few tell-tale signs. First off, check for limited edition stickers on the box, like 'Chase,' 'Exclusive,' 'Con Exclusive,' or 'Limited Edition. ' These often indicate a rarer Funko. Also, the production number matters; lower numbers can mean it's more scarce.

What does the number 1 mean on a Funko Pop? ›

Have you ever wondered what. the number on the top of a Funko Pop box means? Well, basically. this number just tells you what number it is. in the Funko Pop line that it's in.

Which is the most valuable Funko Pop? ›

1. Willy Wonka Golden Ticket 2-Pack. Just 10 of this Funko Pop two-pack featuring a golden Willy Wonka and Ooompa Loompa were produced by Funko for the 2016 San Diego Comic-Con, making it the rarest Funko Pop ever. In 2023, the two-pack sold for $210,000, making it also the most expensive Funko Pop in history.

Is it worth collecting Funko Pops? ›

The average price of a Funko Pop varies widely, from a few dollars to several thousand, depending on rarity, demand, and condition. Common Funko Pop figures are easily accessible and affordably priced, while rare Funko Pop figures, like the Boo Berry Funko Pop or the Clockwork Orange Funko Pop, can fetch higher prices.

What Funko Pop sold for $100,000? ›

The Funko Pop sold for $100,000 is the 2016 San Diego Comic-Con exclusive Willy Wonka Golden Ticket 2-Pack. With only 10 sets ever made, this ultra-rare collectible holds the record for the highest sale price. Why are Funko Pops valuable? Several factors contribute to the value of Funko Pop.

Why are Freddy Funkos so expensive? ›

With its limited production and exclusive design, the Freddy Funko as Count Chocula (Glow in the Dark) Pop holds significant value in the collector's market. For fans of Count Chocula or those who appreciate the nostalgia of cereal mascots, this Funko Pop is a must-have addition to their collection.

Are fortnite Funko Pops rare? ›

The Rarity of Certain Fortnite Funko Pops

Because of this, they can be pretty valuable. There are several factors that contribute to the rarity of Fortnite Funko Pops, such as: Weapons/Pickaxes: Pickaxes are the primary tools used in Fortnite and are often not included as an accessory with the character pops.

Do pops lose value out of box? ›

Pops are worth much less without their original packaging. Some collectors won't even make the purchase if the box isn't available.

How can you tell a fake Funko? ›

Counterfeit figures may have generic or altered logos, or lack any licensing information altogether. A serial number should also be pressed or printed into the box (not just applied as a sticker). You can use the Funko app to determine authenticity.

Do you leave Funko Pop in the box? ›

Keeping your Funko Pops in the box can help preserve their condition.

What Funko Pop is number 2? ›

List of Pop! Movies Figures
#01Jason VoorheesFriday the 13th
#02Freddy KruegerA Nightmare on Elm Street
Freddy KruegerA Nightmare on Elm Street
#03Michael MyersHalloween
101 more rows

What was the first Funko Pop ever made? ›

Founded in 1998 by Mike Becker, the company was originally conceived by Becker as a small project to bring back various low-tech, nostalgia-themed toys in the high-tech world of today. Funko's first manufactured bobblehead was of the restaurant advertising icon Big Boy.

How to tell how old a Funko Pop is? ›

you're gonna see 6 numbers on the bottom, and it's always gonna go year, month, date. so this one was made in 2011, November 19th.

Was Batman the first Funko Pop? ›

Batman along with Green Lantern were the first Pop! s made.

What was the first Marvel Funko Pop? ›

The first Marvel Funko Pop ever made was none other than the Metallic Spider-Man, a San Diego Comic-Con exclusive back in 2010. Talk about swinging into the Funko scene with style! Get Funko Pops for playing games on Playbite!

What is Funko Pop number 2? ›

Every Funko Pop! gets its own set of numbers. The first figure in each new line is one, and the second pop gets given the number two.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Views: 6265

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.