2 year old sleep regression: What causes it and what to do (2024)

Is your toddler suddenly behaving as if they’re allergic to sleep? Trust us, you’re not alone. The 2 year old sleep regression can cause predictable routines to come crashing down around you, much like a too-tall tower of precariously stacked wooden blocks.

Since you deserve to keep feeling confident about your child’s sleep, we’re sharing everything you need to know about toddler sleep regression, including how to navigate it successfully.


What do you mean 2 year old sleep regression?

What’s behind the 2 year regression: reasons and signs

How long does the 2 year old month sleep regression last?

My 2 year old won’t nap. Does the 2 year old regression affect naps?

7 sleep solutions for 2 year olds to handle sleep regressions


2 year old sleep regression FAQ

What do you mean 2 year old sleep regression?

If your 2 year old’s sleeping patterns have taken an abrupt turn for the worse, the 2 year old regression may be to blame. While it's commonly referred to as the "2 year sleep regression," this doesn't necessarily mean that your child will turn 2 and suddenly stop sleeping well. A child can go through a sleep regression at any age —you may see sleep issues arise at 20 months, 21 months, or even at 3 years old. That said, we do see certain patterns within particular age ranges that tend to negatively impact sleep for many children. Sleep regressions may affect some toddlers but certainly not all.

The degree to which this period of development impacts a child’s sleep will depend on their routines and the parent’s response. 2 year sleep regression signs commonly include: skipping naps, resisting bedtime, sudden waking in the middle of the night, and an early morning rise time.

What’s behind the 2 year regression: reasons and signs

Parenting through the “terrific 2s” can be an exciting ride. There’s a whole lot of magic as toddlers discover their world, mixed with a whole lot of developmental changes. Here’s a breakdown of the most common factors influencing sleep changes at this age:

Limit testing and independence-seeking behaviors

It’s a toddler’s job to explore their world and test boundaries. While these behaviors are integral to their development, this can be a time when they no longer just lie down and fall asleep as they used to do at sleep times. Instead, their busy brains are going to wonder what happens if they: eat the bubbles in the bathtub, run out of their bedroom during story time, or refuse to nap.

In their search for autonomy, they might decide to continuously remove their diaper at bedtime, refuse to get pajamas on, or throw all of their belongings out of the crib — none of which is conducive to a peaceful bedtime routine and good night’s sleep.

A change in sleep needs

To make matters even trickier, children this age are often able to comfortably stay awake for prolonged periods. This means that they usually need to be awake for a longer period of time to be sufficiently tired before bed. When they’re put to bed too early, [1] this can result in long, drawn-out battles at bedtime.

It also means that toddlers are capable of going on a successful nap strike for longer periods of time. This, in turn, can result in a child who’s super cranky, falling asleep too late in the afternoon (which creates difficulty with bedtime), or waking really early in the morning.

Transition to crib too early

We see a lot of families transitioning to toddler beds at this age, especially when a new sibling is on the way. Since children haven’t always developed the self-regulation to stay in bed, this can create a situation where the toddler is suddenly popping out of bed ALL. NIGHT. LONG.

Milestones, like potty training

Mastering new motor skills and developmental milestones often causes temporary issues with sleep. Toilet training is no different. During potty training, it’s common for toddlers to repeatedly request to use the potty both during and after the bedtime routine, resulting in a late bedtime and an overtired child.

Toddlers in the midst of potty training may also need (or want) to use the bathroom during the night or early in the morning. These sleep disruptions can lead to a shortened night’s sleep and overtiredness, especially if your child has difficulty falling back to sleep quickly.

Big changes at home

When a child starts nursery school or welcomes a new sibling, it can take time to adjust to the significant changes that occur in their routines. This can temporarily impact sleep, especially if a nap is skipped or delayed, due to the change in circ*mstances. When naps are skipped, that typically leads to overtiredness, which can make it harder for them to fall asleep and stay asleep. Big changes may also mean your 2 year old suddenly doesn't want to sleep alone.

Separation anxiety

If your 2 year old seems particularly clingy, you’re in good company. It’s common for toddlers this age to go through another wave of separation anxiety, making it harder for them to separate from caregivers [2] at sleep times. Children who’ve been falling asleep on their own may suddenly want their parents to stay with them at bedtime until they fall asleep. This can lead to a sleep onset association that disrupts their sleep (and yours!) throughout the night.

Nighttime fears

As children grow, their imaginations continue to expand, which can lead to new fears.

Your toddler may also want you to stay with them at bedtime because they’re feeling scared. Similarly, when they wake at night, they may be more likely to call out for your comfort.

How long does the 2 year old month sleep regression last?

When does it start?

Sleep regression ages can vary and often don’t have a definitive start time. The 2 year old or toddler sleep regression can be caused by a variety of factors and strike at different times. Some children will have a big shift in sleep as they approach 2 years of age. Others won’t have a significant change in sleep habits until after their second birthday.

We should also note that some kids aren’t particularly impacted by developmental regressions. However, since we do tend to see similar patterns often occur among 2 year olds, we want you to be prepared in the event you notice a change in your toddler’s sleep like your toddler not sleeping.

When does it end?

This depends on which factors are contributing to the 24 month sleep regression and whether new sleep patterns are created. Some developmental regressions can last a week or two and then resolve on their own. Other times, a toddler may get stuck in a new sleep habit which impacts sleep for much longer.

My 2 year old won’t nap. Does the 2 year old regression affect naps?

Yes, it’s common for children to fight daytime sleep around the time they turn 2 years old. This is a temporary phase, and we recommend continuing to offer a daily nap; even if they don’t sleep, it will give them an opportunity to rest. Most children aren’t ready to completely drop their last nap until they are 3 - 5 years old.

7 sleep solutions for 2 year olds to handle sleep regressions

1) Offer simple choices and set boundaries

Toddlers want to feel heard and have control over their lives [3]. Foster your child’s independence by including them in some of the decision-making at bedtime. An easy way to do this is to give them discrete choices, such as, “Would you like to wear the yellow pajamas or the green pajamas?” or, “We can read two books tonight. Which two would you like to choose?”

Since stalling at bedtime is common in this age group, it’s more important now than ever to set limits and stick with them. Maintaining a consistent routine with a definitive end helps them understand what comes next and cuts down on their use of stall tactics, e.g., “We’re going to change into your pajamas, read two books, and then go to sleep.” When parents occasionally give in to requests for “one more book” or “one more snack,” this encourages the behavior to continue.

2) Provide an age-appropriate schedule

When you have a child already looking to test boundaries, it can make for bigger bedtime battles when sleep is mistimed. Around the 2 year old sleep schedule, the awake windows lengthen and most kids need 5.5 - 6 hours of awake time between sleep periods.

At this age, many kids need as much as 6 hours of awake time between their nap and bedtime in order to be tired enough to sleep. This means that if your child gets up from their nap at 3:00 PM, a 9:00 PM bedtime can go a long way to limiting the drama at night.

Likewise, the need for longer awake windows also makes it easier for kids to skip naps in the short term. Parents understandably start to wonder if their child is ready to drop a nap entirely. However, this nap regression tends to be a temporary phase that can last a few weeks; 2 year olds are rarely ready to drop the nap entirely. Children who drop the last nap too early often start to wake more at night or too early for the day and don’t get enough sleep overall. We encourage parents to continue to offer the nap (try 5.5 hours after waking in the morning) until at least 3 years of age.

3) Keep the crib

If possible, we recommend keeping children in their crib until at least 3 years of age. When children begin sleeping in a bed after their self-control skills are further developed, the transition tends to go smoother. We hear far fewer reports of bedtime refusal and unwanted middle-of-the-night visits from parents whose children remained in their cribs until 3 years old.

If climbing out of the crib is a concern, consider using a wearable blanket at bedtime. This will make it harder for a toddler to hoist their leg over the side of the crib. Be sure to have the mattress at the lowest setting and remove any objects in the crib that could be used to step on and reach further over the crib. Note that the American Academy of Pediatrics recommends transitioning out of an enclosed crib when the child reaches 35 inches [4] or when the side rail is about nipple level.

4) Include common requests in your bedtime routine

If your toddler is toilet training and bedtime is typically delayed by trips to the bathroom, make sure to build potty time into the routine. After your usual bedtime routine, you can offer “one last” trip to the bathroom.

Similarly, you can end your routine with “one last” hug or sip of water — whatever your child likes to request at bedtime. It’s important to be firm and consistent when you explain something is the “last time” for the night.

5) Move bedtime earlier when naps are skipped

Chances are that, despite your best efforts, your toddler will skip their nap entirely from time to time. When this happens, it can be helpful to move bedtime earlier to limit overtiredness, which can lead to 2 year olds waking up at night and early morning waking.

How much earlier? While we don’t want to offer bedtime too early and get caught in an early waking cycle, keep in mind that many toddlers are able to sleep for 12 - 12.5 hours at night if they haven’t napped. So if your child normally wakes around 7:00 AM, try targeting a 6:30/7:00 PM bedtime on days they skip their nap.

6) Build feelings of security

If your toddler is showing signs of separation anxiety and/or fear at night, you can take steps to increase their feelings of security as much as possible. Many parents find it helps to designate one-on-one time with their child each day, even if it’s just 10 - 15 minutes, during which your toddler has your undivided attention.

Some toddlers feel safer with night lights in their room or if their door is left open. Since blue lights can suppress melatonin production [5], look for a night light that isn’t blue light based. You can also consider introducing a new special stuffed animal friend to help keep your child feeling safe at bedtime.

7) Heap on the positive reinforcement

When your toddler does a good job at bedtime or through the night, be sure to let them know what a great job they did with specific praise. This will encourage more of the behavior you want to see. For example, you might say, “I love how you just changed into your pajamas so quickly!” or, “You slept the whole night without calling for mommy. We both got the sleep we need. I’m so proud of you!”

These accomplishments can be paired with small prizes for extra encouragement. For example, a toddler who stays quietly in bed all night may earn a sticker or a special time or activity with a parent. Many families also find it helpful to use external visual cues, like a toddler clock and/or sticker chart, to help overcome more challenging sleep issues such as early waking.


  • The 2 year sleep regression commonly occurs between 14 - 18 months and marks a period of sudden sleep issues. Typical signs of a sleep regression include: skipping naps, resisting bedtime, sudden night waking, and waking up too early in the morning.

  • Reasons for the 2 year sleep regression include toddlers exploring their world and testing boundaries, changes in sleep needs, transitioning out of a crib too early, big changes at home (like a new sibling or move), and milestones like potty training. Other things, like nighttime fears, can also cause a temporary disruption in typical sleep patterns.

  • Some ways you can help your little one during a sleep regression include offering simple choices and setting healthy boundaries. Also, provide an age-appropriate schedule that can help prevent overtiredness and encourage your child to nap even if they've been fighting daytime sleep. If a nap is skipped, move bedtime earlier. Other things that may help during times of difficult sleep include building common requests (like a drink of water) into your child's bedtime routine and lots of positive reinforcement around behaviors you do want to see.

2 year old sleep regression FAQ

Q: Is the 2 year old sleep regression a myth?


No, it’s not a myth. Many toddlers this age experience a sudden change in sleep patterns that include resistance at bedtime, fighting naps, increased night waking, and waking too early for the day.

Q: Do all babies have a sleep regression at 24 months?


Nope! Some children continue to maintain their sleep habits, and parents don’t see the quality of their child’s sleep regress.

Q: Can the 2 year old sleep regression start early?


Yes, some toddlers will start to experience big sleep changes as they approach their second birthday.

Q: Why is my 2 year old baby not sleeping?


Sleep patterns are influenced by a number of factors. Common reasons for sleep difficulties include: having a parental sleep onset association that disrupts sleep (e.g., being held or rocked to sleep at bedtime), needing a schedule adjustment, hunger, and attaining developmental milestones.

Q: My 2 year old baby won't sleep unless held. What should I do?


If you’d like to transition away from holding your child to sleep, there are several options for doing so. Many families prefer to take their time and gradually teach their child to fall asleep independently by first shifting to a new, “easier” sleep association. For example, you can start by rubbing your toddler’s back or holding their hand while they fall asleep instead of holding them. From there, parents can continue offering less assistance over time, so the child learns to fall asleep independently.

Q: My 2 year old baby never had a sleep regression. Is it normal?


Lucky you! Yes, this is perfectly normal. Not all children experience toddler sleep regressions around this age.

2 year old sleep regression: What causes it and what to do (2024)


2 year old sleep regression: What causes it and what to do? ›

Reasons for the 2 year sleep regression include toddlers exploring their world and testing boundaries, changes in sleep needs, transitioning out of a crib too early, big changes at home (like a new sibling or move), and milestones like potty training.

How to break a sleep regression in a 2 year old? ›

The best way to overcome toddler sleep regression is to be calm and consistent. It's important to help your child learn how to self-soothe and to fall asleep on their own. Your child probably can't tell time. The same bedtime and naptime steps will create a comfortable routine.

How long does the 2 year sleep regression last? ›

The 2 year sleep regression can last up to six weeks but can be as short as one or two weeks. Having a good understanding of the importance of naps, bedtime routines, settling and nutrition can help get you and your toddler through the regression.

Should I let my toddler cry it out during sleep regression? ›

It can make them resistant to going to bed, cry out once they are in bed, or fail to get back to sleep if they wake up in the night. Some separation anxiety is normal, but it is best for caregivers to avoid reinforcing it. Encourage self-soothing: Avoid immediately responding when your toddler cries out.

Why is my 2 year old all of a sudden not sleeping? ›

Toddlers go through various developmental milestones during this time, such as learning to walk, talk, and gain independence. These milestones can make it difficult for them to settle down and relax at bedtime, leading to sleep regression.

What is the hardest sleep regression? ›

It usually lasts from two to six weeks, although the exact duration varies from baby to baby. The first sleep regression typically happens when your baby is four months old, and others might occur later. The 4-month sleep regression is often the hardest for many parents, so you are not alone with this one.

How do I calm my 2 year old to sleep? ›

Lie or sit next to your toddler and gently pat or stroke them until they go to sleep, then leave the room. Place a chair beside the cot and sit without touching. Allow your toddler to go to sleep before you leave the room. Sit at gradually increasing distances from the bed or cot.

Does sleep regression fix itself? ›

Provided you stay consistent with your baby's bedtime routine and take steps to avoid forming any potentially bad habits (more on that below), the 4-month sleep regression should end on its own in about two weeks or less.

Can I give a 2 year old melatonin? ›

If your child is under age 2, Dr. Malik says melatonin is not a good idea.

What age is the biggest sleep regression? ›

When Do Sleep Regressions Happen? While some sleep experts take note of regressions around four, eight, 12 and 18 months, the most well-understood and biggest regression is the four-month sleep regression. The four-month sleep regression may happen up to a month early, or a month late.

What time should a 2 year old go to bed? ›

Buying Guide
Age RangeRecommended Hours of Sleep (NSF)Recommended Bedtime
7-11 months old12 to 16 hours6:00 pm - 7:30pm
1-2 years old11- 14 hours6:00 pm -7:30pm
3-5 years old10-13 hours7:15 pm - 8:30pm
6-13 years old9-11 hours7:15p.m-9:00pm
2 more rows

What is the extinction method for 2 year olds? ›

The cry-it-out or "extinction" method involves putting your toddler to bed and letting her cry until she's fallen asleep with no help or visits from you. It can be effective and won't cause any lasting harm to your toddler — years from now, she won't remember a thing.

How to put a 2 year old to sleep in 40 seconds? ›

The 40-second technique is like your secret weapon. Just gently stroke their forehead with a tissue. With light pressure and soothing motion, your toddler will begin to calm down and doze off quickly into sleep. Squeeze and then release different muscles, one at a time.

How to handle 2 year sleep regression? ›

Here are some smart 2-year-old sleep regression tips:
  1. Stick to the routine. Be firm with your toddler's bedtime and reinforce the relaxing schedule you've set up, with a bath, stories, a short song and some cuddling.
  2. Stay calm. ...
  3. Check for illness. ...
  4. Add a lovey. ...
  5. Try a night light. ...
  6. Nix screen time. ...
  7. Make it dark.
Apr 19, 2022

How to fix a 2 year old's sleep schedule? ›

Tips to adjust your toddler's sleep cycle
  1. Use morning light. Bright light in the morning will help your toddler to wake earlier and go to bed earlier. ...
  2. Avoid electronics before bed. ...
  3. Adjust bedtime incrementally. ...
  4. Keep your child on a regular sleep schedule.
Dec 15, 2017

How to make a 2 year old sleep through the night? ›

What are some tips to help my child sleep?
  1. The bedroom should be dark and quiet.
  2. Give your child a consistent blanket, stuffed animal or favorite toy. The transitional object can really be reassuring to children as they go through the separation anxiety phase because they are comforted by it. ...
  3. Routine is important.

How long to let a 2 year old cry it out? ›

Wait about five minutes and only enter if the crying continues. If you need to re-enter, soothe your toddler by rubbing their back until they calm down — and then leave the room. If your toddler cries again, repeat the process. Continue this method until your child falls asleep.

How do I get my 2 year old back on a sleep schedule? ›

Toddler Bedtime Trouble: 7 Tips for Parents
  1. Set up a quiet routine before bedtime to help your child understand that it will soon be time to go to sleep. ...
  2. Be consistent. ...
  3. Let your child take a favorite thing to bed each night. ...
  4. Make sure your child is comfortable. ...
  5. Do not let your child sleep in the same bed with you.
Aug 25, 2022

How do I get my 2.5 year old to fall asleep on his own? ›

Here are some parent strategies:
  1. Stay with your child and gradually move away. ...
  2. Set up a comfortable, safe bedroom. ...
  3. Find ways your child calms down. ...
  4. Feed or nurse the child before bed. ...
  5. Keep a regular daily routine. ...
  6. Talk to and play about bedtime and napping. ...
  7. Decide how much crying is OK. ...
  8. Get good activity during the day.

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Introduction: My name is Nathanael Baumbach, I am a fantastic, nice, victorious, brave, healthy, cute, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.